3. Check point #3, due June 5, 2003. Submit a proposal on the final project that you wish to complete. a. grouping: each group consists of at most 2 students. b. what are the features that you wish to accomplish. c. In general, you receive full credit for a 2-person team if all functions specified in the 4 phases are completed. In a one-person team, your score will be 1.2 of a 2-person team. You may delete some features and add some of your features. Please submit the following data in plain text to comp03 [AT] csie.ntu.edu.tw +-------------------------------------------------------+ Project proposal: Compiler Spring 2003 1. Team name: SuperCompiler 2. Team memebrs: a. B9875051022 name1 b. B9875010023 name2 3. Our compiler will accomplish a. everything in phase 1 b. plus everything in phase 2 c. plus everything in phase 3 d. plus everything in phase 4 e. and the following features (list one feature in one line) (1) structure definition (2) block-structure procedure declaration (3) call by name (4) ... +-------------------------------------------------------+