Overview The installer will install the following components into your system: 1. XML Interaction Service 2. Bundled Tomcat 5.0.28 3. ActiveBpel 1.1.4 4. HyperSonic SQL Database 5. A Demo for XML Interaction Service 6. Bundled xml vocabularies for demostration use ------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Requirements 1. JDK 1.4.2 above ( JRE is not enough! ) 2. About 51mb hard disk size 3. System memory must larger than 256mb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation The installer is cross-platform, however the installation steps may be different depending on your operating system. 1. For Windows: 1. Download the win32 installer. 2. Extract the zipped file, and double click setup.exe to execute. 3. If there is no available JRE installed, the installer will direct you to install one, but in order to run the server, a JDK is required. 4. The installer will ask you to specify the location of JDK installed on your system. 5. Select the location to install the whole bundle. 6. Enter required environment variables: Host IP: the ip address to access your server ( and the bundled vocabularies ) " localhost " is not recommended unless you only access your server in loop-back manner Port : the http port for the bundled tomcat 7. Finish the installation 2. For Other Java-Enabled Platforms: 1. Download the generic installer. 2. Extract the gzipped file. 3. Make sure you have at least JRE installed, and open a console, change directory to the extracted folder. 4. Execute " jar -jar setup.jar " to bring up the install wizard. 5. The installer will ask you to specify the location of JDK installed on your system. 6. Select the location to install the whole bundle. 7. Enter required environment variables: Host IP: the ip address to access your server ( and the bundled vocabularies ) " localhost " is not recommended unless you only access your server in loop-back manner Port : the http port for the bundled tomcat 8. Finish the installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------