Class Information
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D, 2006
Authors: Brett D. McLaughlin, Gary Pollice, and Dave West
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596008678
Head First Design Patterns, 2004
Authors: Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman, Bert Bates, and Kathy Sierra
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596007124
Design Patterns, 1998
Authors: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides
Publisher: Addison Wesley
ISBN: 0201633612
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML, 4/e, 2011
Authors: Simon Bennett, Steve McRobb, and Ray Farmer
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0077125363
Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, 2009
Authors: Noushin Ashrafi and Hessam Ashrafi
Publisher: Pearson, Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0131354795
Syllabus - Part I: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Getting started: Well-designed apps
- Gathering requirements
- Requirements change
- Analysis
- Good design and flexible software
- Solving really big problems
- Architecture
- Design priciples
- Iteration and testing
- The OOA&D lifecycle
Syllabus - Part 2: Object-Oriented Design Patterns
- Introduction to design patterns
- The observer pattern
- The decorator pattern
- The factory pattern
- The singleton pattern
- The command pattern
- The adaptor and facade patterns
- The template method pattern
- The iterator and composite patterns
- The state pattern
- The proxy pattern
- Compound patterns
- Better living with patterns
Projects: 30%
Midterm: 30%
Final Exam: 30%
In-Class performance: 10%
Programming experiences with C++ or Java