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Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (拐辣撠閮剛), Spring 2013

Lecturing Information
Term Project (思璆)
Project Requirement
  • Number of members per team: 1-3
  • Tentative schedule:
    1. Milestone 1 (May 14): Project's proposal
    2. Milestone 2 (May 28): Project's plan and OO analysis
    3. Milestone 3 (June 18): Project's user interface
    4. Milestone 4 (June 18): Final demo
  • Grading
    • The lecturer and all of the students in this class will rank the performance of each team.

Milestone 1: Project's Proposal (5 to 10-minute presentation with 2-minute Q&A)
  • Project's title, including originality (10%)
  • Motivation, including creativity and novelty (20%)
  • Possible customers (or application scenario) (10%)
  • Possible development tools and environments (10%)
  • Users requirement, vision statement, or software specification (40%)
  • Goal or expected results (10%)

Milestone 2: Project's Plan and OO Analysis (10 to 15-minute presentation with 2-minute Q&A)
  • Brief summary: Title, motivation, customers, requirements, and development environment. (10%)
  • Project's plan: E.g., Goal, expected results, teaming (workload sharing), execution plan, schedule, etc. (20%)
  • Project's OO design and analysis: Use any analysis tools that would help. For example, feature list, use case (diagram), class diagram, etc. (60%)
  • Expected challenges: Expected or encountered challenges and potential solutions. Why and how? (10%)

Milestone 3: Project's User Interface (3 to 5-minute presentation with 1-minute Q&A)
  • Look-and-Feel (10%)
  • Friendliness (10%)
  • Completeness and functionality: e.g., how the interface interacts with the system. (10%)
  • Input checking: e.g., How the input is handled. (10%)
Milestone 4: Final Demo (10 to 12-minute presentation with 1-minute Q&A)
  • Final system analysis (20%)
  • Demo (40%)

Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D, 2006
Head First Design Patterns, 2004

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Yuan-Hao Chang
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