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Yuan-Hao Chang (Johnson Chang)

Yuan-Hao Chang
Contact Me
Johnson's Secret Recepits
  • Co-PI: Yuan-Hao Chang / Computer Systems Lab, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

Job Title
  • Alternative Military Service (Master or Ph.D.), Fulltime/Partime Research Assistant, Postdoctoral Researcher

Job Description
  • Conduct research, experiment, or implementation related to computer systems such as storage systems, embedded systems, real-time systems, computer architecture, energy-efficient designs, multi-core/many-core systems, and virtualization technology.
    (Welcome people who plan to study aboard or work in the academia, and also welcom people who love algorithm design and analysis, system simulation, system development, etc.)

  • Postdoctoral researcher: Ph.D. degree in electronic/computer engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, or related fields.
  • Research assistant: Master/Ph.D. student or bachelor/master/Ph.D. degree in electronic/computer engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, or related fields.

Pay Package
  • Monthly salary: Guaranteed at least NTD 60,000 for postdoctoral researcher and NTD 40,000 for research assistent with master degree, inrolled in the health insurance, labor insurance, and labor pension scheme. (Based on the regulation of Academia Sinica and National Science Council)

How to Apply
  • Please email the following information to johnson.iis.sinica.edu.tw
    1. Resume (including research, project, and work experience), degree certificate, and transcript
    2. Short biography, published papers, honors and awards, etc.

Work Place
  • Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, No 128, Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan


Contact Information

Supplementary Explanation
  • Our lab aims at in-depth research and publishes the results in top conferences/journals. This is very beneficial to people who plan to study for their Ph.D. degree and to work in the academia and in the industry.
  • Our lab aims to help the career planing and development of postdoctoral researchers and research assistants.
  • We welcome people who plans to study or is currently studying for their Ph.D. degree in Taiwan to join us.
  • We encourage research assistants to pursure their master/Ph.D. degree while working here.

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Yuan-Hao Chang
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