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張原豪 (Johnson)

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  • 人才培訓
  • 會員身份
  • 與我聯絡
      1. Executive Committee Member, ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA). (2021 - 2024)
      2. Executive Committee Member, ACM Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems (SIGBED). (2021 - 2023)
      3. Webmaster, IEEE Taipei Section, Taipei, Taiwan. (2019 - 2021)
      4. Selection Committee Member, Young Computer Researcher Award, IPSJ/ IEEE Computer Society. (2019 - 2022)
      5. Chair, Young Professionals Affinity Group, IEEE Taipei Section, Taipei, Taiwan. (Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment Performance) (2016 - 2017)

        -- Associate Editor and Editor-in-Chief --
      1. Associate Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC). (2023 - Present)
      2. Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS). (2019 - Present)
      3. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC). (2019 - 2023)
      4. Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS). (2018 - Present)
      5. Associate Editor, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL). (2024 - Present)
      6. Associate Editor, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR). (2021 - Present)
      7. Associate Editor, Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE). (2024 - Present)
      8. Associate Editor, Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE). (2020 - Present)
        -- Other Journal Editor --
      1. Guest Editor, Special Issue on In-storage Computing Systems, Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA). (2024 - 2025)
      2. Corresponding Editor, Special Section on Emerging Social Computing, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC). (2022 - 2023)
      3. Guest Editor, Thematic Section (by invitation only) on Memory-centric Designs: Processing-in-Memory, In-memory Computing, and Near-memory Computing for Real-World Applications, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC). (2022)
      4. Guest Editor, Special Issue on Memory and Storage Computing, Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA). (2021 - 2022)
      5. Guest Editor, Special Issue on Memory and Storage Computing, Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO). (2020 - 2021)
      6. Guest Editor, Special Issue on Memory and Storage Systems for Embedded and IoT Applications, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). (2020 - 2021)
      7. Guest Editor, Special Issue on ASP-DAC 2020, Elsevier Integration, the VLSI Journal. (2020)
      8. Guest Editor, Special Issue on Design and Test Solutions for Embedded Systems with Non-volatile Memories, IEEE Design and Test (DT). (2019 - 2020)
      9. Corresponding Editor, Special Section on New Frontiers in Computing for Next-Generation Healthcare Systems, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC). (2019 - 2020)
      10. Guest Editor, Special Section: ISVLSI-2018, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. (2019)
      11. Column Editor, "What is" Column in ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA) E-newsletter. (2018 - 2019)
      12. Lead Guest Editor, Special Section on Emerging Non-volatile Memory Technologies: from Devices to Architectures and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). (2017 - 2018)
      13. Guest Editor, Special Issue on Emerging Non-Volatile Memory in Embedded Systems, Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA). (2015 - 2016)
      14. Guest Editor, Special Issue on Smart Reconfigurable System Modeling, Design, and Implementation, Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO). (2014 - 2015)
      15. Guest Editor, Special Issue on Reconfigurable Cyber-Physical and Embedded System Design, Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA). (2014 - 2015)

      1. Track Chair, ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2024.
      2. Local Chair, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2023.
      3. Track Chair, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), 2023.
      4. Organizer, International Workshop on Memory and Storage Computing (MSC), Co-located Workshop with ESWEEK, Virtual Conference, 2020-2022.
      5. Special Session Chair, ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Beijing, China, 2020.
      6. TPC Secretary, ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), Beijing, China, 2020.
      7. Publicity Chair, Embedded Operating System Workshop (EWiLi), New York, USA, 2019.
      8. Steering Committee Member, IEEE Nonvolatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA). (2018 - Present)
      9. Publicity Chair, Embedded Operating System Workshop (EWiLi), Torino, Italy, 2018.
      10. General Co-Chair, IEEE Nonvolatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA), Hakodate, Japan, 2018.
      11. Special Session Co-Chair, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Hong Kong, China, 2018.
      12. Publicity Chair, ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2018.
      13. Program Co-Chair, IEEE Nonvolatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2017.
      14. Local Co-Chair, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), Taipei, Taiwan, 2017.
      15. Publicity Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), Daegu, Korea, 2016.
      16. Workshop Co-chair, International Computer Symposium (ICS), Taichung, Taiwan, 2014.
      17. Web Chair, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Tucson, Arizona, USA, 2007.

      國際會議議程委員 (依時間前後之完整列表)
      1. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2021-2023.
      2. ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), 2019-2024.
      3. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS), 2019-2024.
      4. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2017, 2019.
      5. ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2016-2018, 2024.
      6. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2019, 2020.
      7. IEEE Real-time and Embedded Technology and Application Symposium (RTAS), 2019, 2021.
      8. IEEE International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 2019.
      9. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2012.
      10. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2014-2025.
      11. ACM International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS), 2010-2020, 2022-2023.
      12. IEEE Nonvolatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA), 2013-2016, 2018-2024.
      13. USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage), 2021.
      14. ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), 2015, 2017.
      15. IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2019-2021.
      16. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII), 2019.
      17. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2018, 2019.
      18. IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT), 2019.
      19. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), 2016, 2019.
      20. IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2021-2022.
      21. IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2017.
      22. IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2013.
      23. IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 2010, 2011, 2012.
      24. IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2015.
      25. IEEE International Conference on High-Performance Compilation, Computing, and Communications (HP3C), 2014.
      26. IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), 2011.
      27. IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), 2011.
      28. IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 2010.

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