A. Journal Publications
Chen, Chung-Chien Hwang, Shih-Kun Huang, and David T. K. Chen, “Mining Control
Patterns from Java Program corpora, “ Journal of Information Science and
Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2004, pp. 57-83. (pdf)
Chung-Chien Hwang, Shih-Kun Huang, Min-Shong Lin, and Deng-Jyi
Chen,” Dynamic Java Program Corpus Analysis- Part 1: The Analyzer,” Journal of
Object-Oriented Programming, May 2001.
Chung-Chien Hwang, Shih-Kun Huang, Min-Shong Lin, and Deng-Jyi
Chen,” Dynamic Java Program Corpus Analysis- Part 2: The Control Pattern
Analysis”, Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, July 2001.
何建明、黃世昆、莊庭瑞、李德財, 典藏數位化資訊環境之探討, Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol 26, No.2 , October/2000, pp. 38-48.
J. Chen, C. S. Koong, S. K. Huang, and N. van Diepen, "Integration
of Reusable components into a Visual Construction Approach," Journal of Information
Science and Engineering, vol. 16, no. 6, Nov., 2000, pp. 863-884.
C. S. Lu, S. K. Huang, C. J. Sze, and H. Y. Liao, “Cocktail
Watermarking for Digital Image Protection,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,
December 2000, Vol 2., No. 4, pp. 209-224.
D.J. Chen, S.K. Huang, W. C. Chen and Pao-Hsu Shih, 'A New Method
Dispatcher to Improve Execution Speed for Object-Oriented Programming Systems,'
Journal of Information Science and Engineering, No. 11, 1995, pp. 649-661.
D.J. Chen, W.C. Chen, S. K. Huang and David T. K. Chen, 'A Survey
of the Influence of Programming Constructs and Mechanisms on Software Quality,'
Journal of Information Science and Engineering, No. 10, 1994, pp. 177-201.
Deng-Jyi Chen and Shih-Kun Huang, 'Interface of Reusable Software
Components,' Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Vol. 5, No. 8, January
1993, pp. 1-12.
10. Shih-Kun Huang and Deng-Jyi Chen, 'Efficcient
Algorithm for Method Dispatch in
Object-Oriented Programming Systems,' Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Vol. 5, No.
5, September 1992, pp. 43-54.
11. D.J. Chen, P.J. Lee, and Shih-Kun
Huang, 'Requirement Organization Approach for Object-based Construction of
Software Systems,' Information and Software Technology, Vol. 34, No. 7, July
1992, pp 485-493.
12. Ching-Jung Chen, Lee-Chang
Chuang, Shih-Kun Huang, May June Liu, and Shu- Yuen Hwang,
'Implementation of an Object-Oriented Lisp Programming Environment,' Journal of
Computers, Vol 3, No. 1, pp. 11-19, 1991.
B. Conference and
Newsletter Papers
林宗伯、洪偉能、黃世昆, “以安全執行環境限制之內容保護機制,” 第二屆數位典藏技術研討會,Taipei, July 2003.
3. 蔡和諺、黃世昆, “網頁安全威脅分析與程式靜態檢查技術,” Communications of the
4. 黃世昆、林宗伯、鍾永良, “數位內容保護與追蹤機制,” 第一屆數位典藏技術研討會,Taipei, July 2002.
李駿偉、田筱榮、黃世昆, “入侵偵測分析方法評估與比較,” Communications of the
6. 黃世昆、林宗伯,”數位內涵保護平台,” 資訊系統可信賴作業體制研討會,新竹交通大學,90年12月5日。
Chen, Chung-Chien Hwang, Shih-Kun Huang, David T.K. Chen,
"Object-Oriented Program Behavior Analysis Based on Control
Patterns," the Asia-Pacific Conference on Quality Software, APAQS 2001,
Hong Kong, Dec. 10-11, 2001, pp. 81-87.
8. Yaw-Wen Huang, and Shih-Kun Huang, “A Survey and Assessment of Network Mapping Methods and Techniques,” Information Security Newsletter, Mar. 2001, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 52-75.
9. Shih-Kun Huang, ”防止攻擊跳板主機的安全管理策略”, 2000 年第二屆網際空間:資訊、法律與社會, Dec 2000, pp. 121-127.
10. Jan-Ming Ho, Shih-Kun Huang and D.T. Lee, “Content Management of Academia Sinica Digital Library, “ In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Sinology, Academia Sinica, June 29-July 1, 2000, Taiwan.
11. Shih-Kun Huang, "電腦網路危機處理機制─從防震級Y2K 應變談網路安全存活管理政策", Information Security Newsletter, Mar. 2000, Vol. 6, No.2, pp. 106-118.
12. Shih-Kun Huang, Nian-Shing Chen,
Chia-Mei Chen, and Biing-Jong Lin, "Survival Acceptability Evaluation and
Incident Case Report in
13. Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Jan-Ming Ho, Shih-Kun Huang, Ching-Yi Liu,
and Da-Wei Wang, "To trade or not to trade?: Thoughts on the failed smart
card based national ID initiative in Taiwan," First Australian Institute
of Computer Ethics Conference.
C. S. Lu, H. Y. Mark Liao, S.
K. Huang, and C. J. Sze, "Cocktail Watermarking on Images," in
Proc. 3rd International workshop on Information Hiding, Dresden,
Germany, Nov. 1999, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
15. C. S. Lu, H. Y. Mark Liao, S. K. Huang, and C. J. Sze,
"Highly Robust Image Watermarking Using Complementary Modulations, "
in Proc. 2nd Information Security
16. Shih-Kun Huang, "軟體系統安全弱點初探", Information Security Newsletter, Dec. 1998, Vol. 5, No.1, pp.
Chung-Chien Hwang, Shih-Kun Huang, Min-Shong Lin, Chorng-Shiuh
Koong and Deng-Jyi Chen, “Dynamic Java Program Corpus Analysis, “Proc. of the
International Computer Symposium (ICS), Dec. 17-19,1998, Tainan, Taiwan,
18. Chorng-Shiuh Koong, Wu-Chi Chen,
Chung-Chien Hwang, Deng-Jyi Chen and Shih-Kun Huang, “Visual Requirement
Representation, “Proc. of the International Computer Symposium (ICS), Dec.
17-19,1998, Tainan, Taiwan, pp. 201-208.
19. Chin-Chuang Han, Shih-Kun
Huang, Hsiao-Rong Tyan, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, “Improving the Visual
Quality of JPEG-encoded Images, “ ISMIP’97 Proceeding, Dec 11-13, 1997,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 145-150.
20. S. K. Huang, M. F. Chen, J. J. Yang, C. S.
Chen, and T. C. Liu, 'Design and Application of Gateways between Internet BBS
and NetNews,' TANet'95 Conference,
21. Shih-Kun Huang and Deng-Jyi Chen, 'Two-way
Coloring Approaches for Method Dispatching in Object-Oriented Programming
Systems,' Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International Computer Software
& Applications Conference (CompSAC'92), September 21-25, 1992, Chicago,
Illinois, pp. 39-44.
22. Deng-Jyi Chen and Shih-Kun
Huang, 'Interface for Reusable Software Components, ' Information
Processing 92 - Proceedings of the 12th World Computer
23. D. J. Chen, P.F. Chen, S.K.
Huang, and W.C. Chang, 'A Software-IC Construction Approach To Achieve
Software Reuse, ' Conference Proceedings of the SCOOP 1991,
24. D. J. Chen and S.K. Huang,
'A Requirement Organization Approach for Object- Based Construction of Software
Systems, ' Proc. of the International Computer Symposium (ICS),