CAPTCHA is an effective and widely used solution for preventing computer
programs (i.e., bots) from performing automated but often malicious actions,
such as registering thousands of free email accounts or posting
advertisement on web blogs. To make CAPTCHAs robust to automatic character
recognition techniques, the text in the tests are often distorted, blurred,
and obscure. At the same time, those robust tests may prevent genuine users
from telling the text easily and thus distribute the cost of crime
prevention among all the users. Thus, we are facing a dilemma, that is, a
CAPTCHA should be robust enough so that it cannot be broken by programs, but
also needs to be easy enough so that users need not to repeatedly take tests
because of wrong guesses.
In this paper, we attempt to resolve the dilemma by proposing a human
computation game for quantifying the usability of CAPTCHAs.
In our game, DevilTyper, players try to defeat the devils as many as
possible by solving CAPTCHAs, and player behavior in completing a CAPTCHA
are recorded at the same time. Therefore, we can evaluate CAPTCHAs'
usability by analyzing collected player inputs. Since DevilTyper provides
entertainment purposes itself, we conduct a large-scale study for CAPTCHAs'
usability without the resource overhead required by traditional survey-based
studies. In addition, we propose a consistent and reliable metric for
assessing usability. Our evaluation results show that DevilTyper provides a
fun and efficient platform for CAPTCHA designers to assess their CAPTCHA
usability and thus improve the CAPTCHA design.
This work was supported in part by Taiwan E-learning
and Digital Archives Programs (TELDAP) sponsored by the National Science
Council of Taiwan under the grants NSC99-2631-H-001-018 and
NSC99-2631-H-001-020. It was also supported in part by the National Science
Council of Taiwan under the grants NSC98-2221-E-001-017.
Author's addresses: C.-J. Ho, Computer Science Department,
University of California, Los Angeles; C.-C. Wu and C.-L. Lei,
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University; K.-T.
Chen, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica.
1 Introduction
Preventing computer programs from performing automated malicious tasks,
such as registering thousands of free email accounts, has been one of the
most challenging tasks of system administrators. For this issue, CAPTCHA
(Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computer and Humans
Apart) [ von Ahn, Blum, Hopper, and Langfordvon Ahn et al .2003] is known as an effective and widely used
solution. Although there are many types of
CAPTCHAs [ Kochanski, Lopresti, and ShihKochanski et al .2002, Datta, Li, and WangDatta et al .2005], text-based CAPTCHA scheme,
which asks users to recognize the distorted text, is the most widely used
and is adopted by most commercial services, such as Google, Yahoo!, and
Microsoft. For this reason, we focus on text-based CAPTCHA schemes in
this work. Text-based CAPTCHAs are machine-generated images which contain
obscure text. The common procedures to generate such images often
include distortions, overlapping, clipping, and noise addition. These
procedures are performed to make image recognition algorithms unable to
resolve the text in the images. However, the distortion of the text
should be controlled to a reasonable level so that human can still tell
the text clearly.
As many CAPTCHAs have been broken by OCR (Optical Character Recognition) or
other recognition techniques [ Mori and MalikMori and Malik2003, Chellapilla and SimardChellapilla and Simard2004, pwn],
it is necessary to enhance the complexity of CAPTCHAs to make them robust
enough against such attacks. However, some enhancement procedures make the
CAPTCHAs too difficult to be recognized by human, e.g., with too noisy
background or too much text distortion. Therefore, we need to seek the
balance in the tradeoff between the human usability and the
computational recognition challenge when designing or employing a CAPTCHA
test. Since there have been a great deal of works discussing the
computational recognition difficulty of such tests in the field of pattern
recognition, we focus on quantifying the usability of CAPTCHAs in this work.
The most intuitive way to assess the usability of CAPTCHAs is to ask
numerous human subjects to solve assigned CAPTCHAs repeatedly. However, such
surveys are cost-prohibitive if a large-scale study is required and the
investigated CAPTCHAs are constantly updating. For example, investigating
how different background noises affect the user perception would require a
large number of user inputs, which requires significant monetary investment
to conduct user studies.
For these reasons, a human computation game [ Ho and ChenHo and Chen2009] seems an
efficient and effective approach to harness a huge amount of human resources
for large-scale experiments. Several previous works, such as ESP
game [ von Ahn and Dabbishvon Ahn and Dabbish2004], Peekaboom [ von Ahn, Liu, and Blumvon Ahn et al .2006], and
KissKissBan [ Ho, Chang, Lee, Hsu, and ChenHo et al .2009], have successfully integrated the exploitation
of human computation power and their own experiment purposes in games. From
the perspective of players, they enjoy the games because they desire to be
entertained; meanwhile, game designers obtain game logs and fulfill their
research goals.
In this paper, we introduce DevilTyper, a web-based typing game for
evaluating the human usability of CAPTCHAs.
From the evaluation results, we demonstrate that our proposed approach is
reliable for evaluating the usability of CAPTCHAs, and we also derive a rank
list for CAPTCHAs selected in this work.
2 Related Work
In recent years, research efforts on CAPTCHAs mainly focused on their
robustness against automatic recognition techniques. Researches on
computer vision [ Mori and MalikMori and Malik2003] and pattern
recognition [ Chellapilla and SimardChellapilla and Simard2004] have shown the vulnerability of the
CAPTCHA design. New methods for generating CAPTCHAs are also proposed to
enhance the robustness of CAPTCHAs [ Datta, Li, and WangDatta et al .2005, Rusu and GovindarajuRusu and Govindaraju2004].
At the same time, only a few works studied the usability issues of
CAPTCHAs. In [ Yan and El AhmadYan and El Ahmad2008], the authors discussed a variety of factors
that should be discussed when designing CAPTCHAs.
[ Chellapilla, Larson, Simard, and CzerwinskiChellapilla et al .2005] has examined the impact of common techniques
used in CAPTCHA design, including distortion and background noise.
Through conducting two user studies, which consist of 76 and 29 users
respectively, they calculate users' accuracy in solving CAPTCHAs to
measure the tests' usability under different distortion and noise
settings. [ Wang and BentleyWang and Bentley2006, Baird and RiopkaBaird and Riopka2005] discussed users'
familiarity of words and degradation of images in CAPTCHAs, and
[ Chellapilla, Larson, Simard, and CzerwinskiChellapilla et al .2005] evaluate the usability and computer vision
techniques in single character recognition of CAPTCHAs.
The above works evaluated the usability of CAPTCHAs or the tradeoff between
usability and robustness against computer recognition techniques based on
small-scale user studies. In this work, we propose a more general
platform to enable such studies in a cost-efficient way by hiding the
mechanics of usability evaluation in computer games.
The concept of using games to collect large-scale dataset is called Games
With A Purpose (GWAP) [ von Ahnvon Ahn2006]. In GWAP, users play games for fun
and help game developers to achieve their tasks at the same time. The
concept of GWAP has been applied to quite a few computationally hard
problems, such as image annotation [ von Ahn and Dabbishvon Ahn and Dabbish2004], locating object in
images [ von Ahn, Liu, and Blumvon Ahn et al .2006], and commonsense
collection [ von Ahn, Kedia, and Blumvon Ahn et al .2006].
3 The DevilTyper Game
CAPTCHAs are designed to distinguish computer programs from human beings.
While a CAPTCHA should be hard enough so that computer programs, such as
bots, cannot break the test automatically, it should be easy enough for
humans in order not to stop genuine users from using the services.
In an extreme case, a human-unsolvable CAPTCHA would result in a totally
unusable system.
In this work, we focus mainly on text-based CAPTCHAs, which require users to
recognize distorted text in images, since they are widely used in most major
websites, such as Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft. Text-based CAPTCHAs are
favored for several reasons: 1) intuitive and few localization issues (users
only need to type corresponding keystrokes), and 2) a large problem space
and well-studied OCR techniques (i.e., providing strong security).
In text-based CAPTCHAs, usability is usually considered as
readability. To assess readability, an intuitive way is to give users
text-based CAPTCHAs and ask them to type the correct results as soon as
possible. By collecting user inputs, we can calculate users' input accuracy
and response time in solving a CAPTCHA. However, this strategy would require
significant monetary cost as large-scale user studies are normally required
for sufficient amount of user inputs. For this reason, we adopt the concept
of human computation, which takes "fun" as the incentive to engage users
to complete specified tasks. We propose an interesting game, DevilTyper, to
monitor and collect users' behavior in solving a CAPTCHA.
3.1 Game Concepts
Currently, DevilTyper is designed as a single player game, in which players
try to defeat devils appearing in the game by recognizing and typing the
letters attached to each devil. When players enjoy the game, we collect each
keystroke of the players along with the correctness of each keystroke for
evaluating the readability of CAPTCHAs. In order to obtain as many
participants as possible, the game should be interesting enough to attract
people and encourage players continue their play. In the following sections,
we describe the design and implementation details of DevilTyper.
Figure 1: A CAPTCHA is attached to each devil. Players can defeat the
devils by typing the distorted text in CAPTCHAs.
3.2 Game Description
In this game, the mission of a player is to destroy each devil as soon as
possible. The only way to destroy a devil is to type the 3 to 5 character
word attached to the devil, as shown in Figure 1. Therefore,
players need to recognize the texts attached to the devils and finish the
typing before devils come to hurt the player character.
Figure 2: The screenshot of the game. The devils move from the upside to
the downside. Players will lost life points if the devils reach the
bottom of the game screen.
3.2.1 Prior game
After entering a game, a player is asked to choose the skill level he would
like to play. We provide three difficulty levels: Human,
Hero, and Devil Buster, where the human level is the
easiest level and the devil buster level is the most difficult one. From the
easiest to the most tough level, the number of letters in each CAPTCHA
increases from 3 to 5, and the maximum number of devils at any time also
increases. Furthermore, each level is comprised of 10 mini-missions, each of
which introduces different numbers of devils that the player needs to
destroy to finish the mission. As a player completes a mission, the number
of devils he needs to destroy will increase in the next mission.
3.2.2 During game
As shown in Figure 2, devils move from the upside to the
downside, and if a devil is not defeated by the player, it will keep moving
down and get off of the screen, which indicate that the player get hurt by
the devil. To target a devil, the player must type the first letter of its
corresponding CAPTCHA. Once the player targets a devil, he is supposed to
complete the remainder of the corresponding CAPTCHA to defeat it; otherwise,
the player can release the target by pressing the SPACE key if he is unable
to recognize the letters or want to destroy other devils first. In the game,
the player character possesses two important attributes: the score and the
HP (health points), where the HP is represented by a rectangle life bar and
should be higher than zero anytime to keep playing. If a devil reaches the
player character before being destroyed, the player is penalized by
decreasing the HP value. On the other hand, the score accumulates if a devil
is defeated. After defeating all the devils in a mission, the current
mission is completed and the next mission will be started after a short time
allowing the player to take a breath.
3.2.3 After game
To motivate the involvement of players, the name and score of players with
high scores will be shown on the high score list, as shown in
Figure 3. From the perspective of players, the ultimate
goal of the game is to defeat as many devils as possible and therefore
achieve a high ranking and score. Also, different skill levels introduces
different levels of challenge so that users would continue the play with
higher levels and feel accomplished. In [ von Ahnvon Ahn2006], the authors
mentioned that game features such as skill levels, score keeping, and high
score list significantly increase the joyfulness of game play. As a result,
we can achieve our study of CAPTCHAs' usability while having players
entertained through our game.
Figure 3: The screenshot of the score board of DevilTyper.
3.3 Implementation
To facilitate the game deployment, we implement DevilTyper using Adobe
Flash. The game is now publicly available on the
Internet1. Currently
we provide six different CAPTCHA schemes and a plain-text CAPTCHA as a
baseline for readability evaluation. The word associates with each devil is
randomly selected from a dictionary and rendered using a random
CAPTCHA scheme.
We log all players' actions, including each key pressed by the player, the
time of keystrokes, the correctness of each keystroke, and the aiming and
release of a devil, to provide researchers for statistical analysis.
3.4 Data Collection
In DevilTyper, we record all the actions performed by players and therefore
can derive various performance metrics as follows:
Finish time:
the total time to solve a CAPTCHA.
Rate of typing error:
the number of CAPTCHAs with wrong keystrokes divided by the number of all CAPTCHAs.
Rate of timeout:
the number of timeout CAPTCHAs divided by the number of all CAPTCHAs. A CAPTCHA is
regarded as "timeout" if it is targeted but the player did not have any further action in 3 seconds.
Rate of giving up:
the number of CAPTCHAs given up divided by the number of all
CAPTCHAs. After targeting a devil (and it's corresponding CAPTCHA),
players can give up the devil by pressing SPACE key before timeout.
Rate of repeat typing:
the number of repeat keystrokes divided by the number
of all keystrokes. In the game, players may type the
same character repeatedly to avoid timeout.
4 DevilTyper Data Validation
In this section, we conduct experiments to validate whether the data
collected by DevilTyper are consistent with those collected using
traditional approaches.
4.1 Experiment Setup
Our experiments comprise two parts: contributions from DevilTyper game
players, and validation data from Amazon Mechanical Turk.
We announced DevilTyper at a popular social network service PTT2 and
held a four-week campaign. In each week, we awarded a certain amount of
virtual currency to the top 5 players (at each difficulty level) attending
the campaign, and also awarded 5 randomly chosen players who completed all
the missions. Each of the players was awarded 1,000 to 10,000 PTT currency,
which approximately corresponds to US$ 0.1 to US$ 1. The total cost for
holding the four-week campaign is around US$ 30. During this period, the
DevilTyper game has been played 6,500 times, and recorded players'
detailed behavior in solving 1,407,055 CAPTCHAs.
4.2 Used CAPTCHAs
We choose six CAPTCHAs in the experiments and use a plain-text CAPTCHA as a
baseline. As shown in Figure 4, the CAPTCHAs we provide are
AuthImage, Captcher, Kiranvj, SecurImage, CoolCAPTCHA, and TgCAPTCHA.
These CAPTCHA schemes use various strategies, such as background patterns,
distortions, and noises, to generate images. In addition to usability
evaluation of different CAPTCHA schemes, we also explore how the design
factors, e.g., noise and distortion, affect those CAPTCHAs' usability. To
do so, we generate CAPTCHAs in CoolCAPTCHA and TgCAPTCHA with different
levels of distortion and noise and record how users' behavior changes. The
analysis results will be presented in Section 5.
Figure 4: AuthImage
Figure 5: Captcher
Figure 6: Kiranvj
Figure 7: SecurImage
Figure 8: CoolCAPTCHA
Figure 9: TgCAPTCHA
Figure 10: CAPTCHA schemes used in our experiments.
Figure 11: Finish time
Figure 12: Rate of typing error
Figure 13: Rate of timeout
Figure 14: Rate of giving up
Figure 15: Rate of repeat typing
Figure 16: CAPTCHA comparisons. The CAPTCHAs are coded by A: AuthImage, B:
Captcher, C: Kinravj, D: SecurImage, E: Plain text, F: CoolCAPTCHA, and
4.3 CAPTCHA Usability
In this subsection, we explore how different CAPTCHA schemes affect the
usability by observing the different performance metrics players exhibited
in solving the tests. The results are shown in
Figure 5. It shows that the relative usability of
the six CAPTCHAs remains consistent regardless of the performance metric
used. Therefore, we can easily rank and cluster the CAPTCHAs by their
usability. Among the CAPTCHAs, SecurImage and Captcher took players the
longest time to solve the tests, as their rates of typing error, timeout,
giving up, and repeat typing are generally the highest. Followed by these
two CAPTCHAs, the usability of AuthImage and TgCAPTCHA are similar and
moderate, which is followed by CoolCAPTCHA. Surprisingly, the usability of
Kiranvj and plain text are similar.
4.4 Consistency between Performance Metrics
To further demonstrate the consistency among different performance metrics,
we normalize each performance metric within the range 0 and 1. The
normalized metrics are plotted in
Figure 6. From the graph, we can see that
different metrics are highly correlated with each other, which indicates
that the usability of CAPTCHAs can be simply captured by either one metric.
Therefore, we shall use "Rate of Typing Error" hereafter as the evaluation
metric for CAPTCHA usability in the following discussion.
Figure 17: A comparison of normalized performance metrics which capture how players solve CAPTCHAs.
4.5 Comparison of Crowdsourcing and DevilTyper
To evaluate the trustworthiness of the data collected by
DevilTyper, we also conduct a usability evaluation of the
CAPTCHAs by crowdsourcing the experiments. We publish a human
computation task, which requires users to solve 15 CAPTCHA
tests, on a micro-task crowdsourcing platform, Amazon
Mechanical Turk3. On
Mechanical Turk, any one can publish tasks and pay small amount
of money, e.g., $ 0.01 to get his tasks done. Potential
workers, who are anonymous Internet users, would try to
complete the tasks with reasonable reward and difficulty. In
our task, workers were asked to complete 15 random CAPTCHAs for
a reward of $ 0.03, where the workers' accuracy and elapsed
time in solving each CAPTCHA were recorded. The task was
accomplished 500 times by 44 workers, and 7,500 CAPTCHAs
solving tasks were performed. Comparing DevilTyper and
MechanicalTurk in terms of the number of CAPTCHAs per US
dollar, the ratio was 46900 versus 500, approximately 95
versus 1, which proves the economic advantage of DevilTyper
in data collection.
Figure 18: A comparison of CAPTCHA solving error rates on Mechanical Turk and DevilTyper.
We compute the typing error rate and average finish time for each CAPTCHA
scheme and compare the results with those obtained from DevilTyper. The
normalized error rates of CAPTCHA solving on Mechanical Turk and DevilTyper
are shown in Figure 7. From the graph, we can see that
the user performance are generally consistent no matter the users are
playing the DevilTyper game or performing crowdsourcing tasks on Amazon
Mechanical Turk. The results indicate that DevilTyper provides trustworthy
user performance data for CAPTCHA usability evaluation and researchers can
now use DevilTyper for such studies with a much lower or even none monetary
5 Design Factor Analysis
In this section, we analyze the effect of various design factors on the
usability of CAPTCHAs. We first investigate whether the choice of
characters affects users' performance in solving CAPTCHAs. We then analyze
the usability of CAPTCHAs when two common text obscuration procedures,
distortion and noise, are applied.
5.1 Effect of Characters in CAPTCHA
Each CAPTCHA scheme has its own obscuration algorithm to distort the text,
which may have different impacts on the recognition difficulty of different
characters. For example, as shown in Figure 8, "i" is
hardly recognizable in TgCAPTCHA since players may be confused to identify
whether it is a character or a random noise line. On the other hand, in
CoolCAPTCHA, "i" is much easier to recognize. Understanding the effects of
characters in different CAPTCHAs can help designers avoid the confusing
characters and improve the CAPTCHA usability.
Figure 19: "LITER" with the TgCAPTCHA scheme
Figure 20: "BASIC" with the CoolCAPTCHA scheme
Figure 21: Examples illustrating the combined interaction of the CAPTCHA design and characters. While
"i" is clearly recognizable in CoolCAPTCHA, it is
often confused with the short lines in background noise in TgCAPTCHA.
To evaluate the usability of characters with different CAPTCHA schemes, we
first show how players react for characters in plain text in
Figure 9. As the graph shows, players have different
typing error rate even though the words are not distorted at all. This
result may also be affected by the design of the keyboard layout. To
eliminate such factors, we take users' performance with the plain-text
CAPTCHA as the baseline and examine the relative performance with each
CAPTCHA scheme. Assuming the error rate for a character c with plain
text is Ec, and the error rate for character c with CAPTCHA type
X is E′c, then the performance degradation rate is defined by
[(E′c−Ec)/(Ec)]. The relationship between the performance
degradation rate and CAPTCHA schemes on the choice of characters are
presented in Figure 10.
From the graph, we can see that the effects of CAPTCHA scheme may be
different for different characters. For example, the characters `Q' and `V'
with the Captcher scheme and the characters `C' and `T' with the SecurImage
scheme are particularly difficult to recognize. In addition, there are some
characters always robust to the obscuration procedures (e.g., distortion and
noise addition) of CAPTCHAs. For example, the characters `S' and `X' are
more robust than other characters when being distorted, which looks
reasonable because both characters have relatively unique typographical
shapes. We believe such results provide helpful information when designing
and applying CAPTCHAs. One obvious application is that, if a user happens to
correctly solve all the characters beside a `C' character with the
SecurImage scheme, we may allow the user pass the test as the `C' character
is really difficult to recognize with that scheme.
Figure 22: Player typing time for characters in plain text.
Figure 23: AuthImage
Figure 24: Captcher
Figure 25: Kiranvj
Figure 26: SecurImage
Figure 27: CoolCAPTCHA
Figure 28: TgCAPTCHA
Figure 29: Single character analysis.
5.2 Effect of Text Distortion
To understand the effect of text distortion on CAPTCHA usability, we choose
CoolCAPTCHA, which is similar to the CAPTCHA scheme used by Google, to
demonstrate how such analysis is done by using the traces produced by
DevilTyper. As shown in Figure 11, CoolCAPTCHA
provides three strategies for text distortion in addition to a plain
raw text strategy:
Figure 30: Raw text
Figure 31: Character distance distortion
Figure 32: X-axis wave distortion
Figure 33: Y-axis wave distortion
Figure 34: CoolCAPTCHA examples generated using different distortion strategies.
Character Distance
Character distance stands for the distance between characters. In our
experiment, we randomly set the character distances between 0.8 and 1.3,
where a larger value corresponds to a tighter character arrangement. As
shown in Figure 12(a), this parameter significantly
influences the CAPTCHA usability especially when the distances between
characters are small.
X-Axis Wave
X-axis wave controls the degree of sine-wave distortions of
characters along the x-axis. In the experiment, this parameter is randomly
set within the range from 0.5 to 1.2, where a larger magnitude
corresponds to stronger distortion. According to
Figure 12(b), the x-axis wave distortion does not make a
systematic influence on users' error rate, which implies that this type of
distortion does not harm the CAPTCHA's usability.
Y-Axis Wave
Similar to the x-axis wave parameter, the y-axis wave controls
the degree of sine-wave distortions of characters along the y-axis, which we
set within the range of 0.5 and 1.2 in our experiments. The results, as
shown in Figure 12(c), indicates that the y-axis
distortions lead to a much more significant impact on CAPTCHA usability than
x-axis distortions. Therefore, CAPTCHA designers should be careful in
choosing the appropriate degree for this type of distortions when adopting
such CAPTCHAs in real use.
Figure 35: Character Distance vs. Error rate.
Figure 36: X-Axis Wave vs. Error rate
Figure 37: Y-Axis Wave vs. Error rate
Figure 38: Users' average error rates with CAPTCHAs rendered using different distortion strategies.
5.3 Effect of Noise Addition
To understand the effect of noise addition on CAPTCHA usability, we take
TgCAPTCHA, which is similar to the previous Microsft CAPTCHA scheme, to
demonstrate how such analysis is done by using the traces produced by
DevilTyper. As shown in Figure 13, TgCAPTCHA provides
three strategies for noise addition:
Figure 39: Long arcs noise
Figure 40: Short arcs noise
Figure 41: Short lines noise
Figure 42: TgCAPTCHA examples generated using different noise addition strategies.
Long Arcs
The long arcs parameter controls the number of long arcs overlaid on
the image, where the position, length, and curvature of the arcs are
randomly chosen. In our experiment, we set this parameter between 0 and 5.
From Figure 13(a), we can see that the long arcs do not
influence the usability of the CAPTCHAs significantly even when 5 long arcs
were added.
Short Arcs
Similar to long arcs, the short arcs parameter controls the number of
short arcs overlaid on the image. In our experiment, the number of short
arcs are randomly drawn from the range 0 to 20. Interestingly, while long
arcs do not impact the CAPTCHA's usability, short arcs do, as shown in
Figure 13(b). We believe it is due to the length of
short arcs are similar to that of the character strokes so that short arcs
are more likely to interfere with distorted text and increase the difficulty
of text recognition.
Short Lines
The short lines parameter controls the number of short lines overlaid
on the rendered CAPTCHA. As with long and short arcs, the position, length,
and direction of each segment is randomly decided. Our results show that
users' average error rates slightly but steadily increase with more short
lines, as shown in Figure 13(c). However, the impact of
short lines is slightly less than that of short arcs, which is reasonable
because arcs are more like the strokes of distorted text and therefore more
interference on readers' recognition is induced.
Figure 43: Long Arcs vs. Error rate
Figure 44: Short Arcs vs. Error rate
Figure 45: Short Lines vs. Error rate
Figure 46: Users' average error rates with CAPTCHAs rendered using different noise addition strategies.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we have proposed a human computation game, DevilTyper, to
facilitate the evaluation of CAPTCHA usability. DevilTyper is fun to
play-we had over 6,500 game play rounds within four weeks, and collected
users' detailed behavior in solving more than 1,400,000 CAPTCHAs. More
importantly, such ample amount of data enable researchers quantify the
usability of various CAPTCHAs and their design factors in a rigorous
statistical approach ever the interaction between factors is considered.
DevilTyper is now publicly available at
http://deviltyper. CAPTCHA designers are
welcome to incorporate their CAPTCHAs on the platform and obtain the users'
behavior traces for their own usability studies. We believe DevilTyper, as
an open platform, can provide a testbed for CAPTCHA designers to assess
their CAPTCHA usability and help develop more user-friendly CAPTCHAs.
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