Homework #1 for Compiler 2003 Due date: March 20, 2:10pm 1. Do Textbook page 148, Problem 3.10. 2. Write a Lex program that copies a file, replaces each nonnull sequence of white space by a single blank, replaces each English word with the word reversed, and removes any leading white space starting a line. A white space is a tab or a blank. An English word is a string of upper and lower case letters plus "'". The input file comes from standard input. The output prints to standard output. Example: Input:< I don't have 51 letters.> Output: NOTE: "<" and ">" are not part of the input and output. Submit it to TA's email address: 助教: 余家興 台大資訊工程研究所碩一 電機新館531 數位語音處理實驗室 Email: comp03@csie.ntu.edu.tw Your file name for Lex program must be idnumber.l where idnumber is your 學號