Compiler HWK#3 Due date: 2:20pm, April 15, 2004 1. Do Textbook Page 270, Exercise 4.22 2. Consider the grammar E --> E + T | T T --> T F | F F --> F * | a | b (a) Construct the collection of sets of LR(0) items for this grammar (b) Construct the GOTO graph of the canoncial collection of LR(0) items for this grammar (c) Construct the SLR parsing table for this grammar (d) Show the moves made by the SLR parser on the input a * + b Note: To submit your homework, send an email to subject: HWK3: your student number and name eg: "HWK3 - B90902xxx ¤ý¤p©ú" attchment: your homework in TEXT, PS or PDF format