Other Achievements |
TIGP Bioinformatics Program: Biological Computing I and Big Data in Bioinformatics (Lecture)Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei Medical University: Research Design (Lecturer in Chinese and English)TIGP Biodiversity Program: 1. Molecular Evolution 2. Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics (Lecturer)Joint faculty: (a) Graduate Program for Information and Network Systems, Academia Sinica and National Chiao Tung University; and (b) Graduate Program for multimedia systems and Intelligent Computing, Academia Sinica and National Cheng Kung University新世代跨領域科學人才培育計畫: 中央研究院與國立陽明大學攜手開設暑期課程: 跨領域生醫科學技術實驗(一)- 資訊與統計在生醫研究的應用(6/7-8/7)Computational Thinking and Basic Programming(計算思維與基礎程式設計)(2015.09-2016.01; 2016.09-2017,01)Joint appointment professor of Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal UniversityJoint appointment professor of Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program, National Taiwan University |