Associate Research Fellow/Professor | Wang, Chien-Min |
Publications |
Journal Articles | |
1. |
Yang Syu and Chien-Min Wang, "QoS Time Series Modeling and Forecasting for Web Services: A Comprehensive Survey," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, volume 18, number 1, pages 926-944, March 2021. ::: |
2. |
Yang Syu, Chien-Min Wang, and Yong-Yi Fanjiang, "Modeling and Forecasting of Time-aware Dynamic QoS Attributes for Cloud Services," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, volume 16, number 1, pages 56-71, March 2019. ::: |
3. |
Hsiang-Huang Wu and Chien-Min Wang, "Generalization of Large-Scale Data Processing in one MapReduce job for Coarse-Grained Parallelism," International Journal of Parallel Programming, volume 45, number 4, pages 797-826, August 2017. ::: |
4. |
Ding-Yong Hong, Jan-Jan Wu, Pen-Chung Yew, Wei-Chung Hsu, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang and Yeh-Ching Chung, "Efficient and Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translation on Multicores," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), volume 25, number 3, pages 622 - 632, March 2014. ::: |
5. |
Jan-Jan Wu, Shu-Fan Shih, Hsiangkai Wang, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang, "QoS-Aware Replica Placement for Grid Computing," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, volume 24, number 3, pages 193-213, March 2012. |
6. |
Chien-Min Wang, Hsi-Min Chen, Chun-Chen Hsu, and Jonathan Lee, "A Service-oriented Collaborative Framework for High-performance Data Transfer in Grids," Journal of Internet Technology, volume 12, number 6, pages 899-909, December 2011. |
7. |
C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Hsu, and J. Lee, "Dynamic Resource Selection Heuristics for a Non-reserved Bidding-based Grid Environment," Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 26, number 2, pages 183-197, 2010. ::: |
8. |
Jan-Jan Wu, Yi-Fang Lin, Da-Wei Wang, Chien-Min Wang, "Optimizing Server Placement for Parallel I/O in Switch-Based Clusters," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, volume 69, number 3, pages 266-281, March 2009. ::: |
9. |
Shun-Te Wang and Chien-Min Wang, "QoS-Aware Web Services Selection and Composition for Reliable Workflow Execution," Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, volume 11, number 3, pages 265-272, September 2008. |
10. |
C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, "Optimizing Server Placement in Hierarchical Grid Environments," Journal of Supercomputing, volume 42, number 3, pages 267-282, December 2007. ::: |
11. |
D.-R. Chen, C.-C. Hsu and C.-M. Wang, "Scheduling Real-Time Multi-Processor Systems with Distance-Constrained Tasks Using the Early-Release-Fair Model," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, volume E89-A, number 11, pages 3260-3271, November 2006. |
12. |
Y.-F. Lin, C.-M. Wang, and Jan-Jan Wu, "Optimizing I/O Server Placement for Parallel I/O on Switch-Based Irregular Networks," Journal of Supercomputing, volume 36, number 3, pages 201-217, June 2006, URL: http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1138150.1138164&coll=portal&dl=ACM ::: |
13. |
C.-M. Wang, S.-F. Hong, S.-T. Wang and H.-M Chen, "A Dual-mode Exerciser for a Collaborative Computing Environment," Journal of Internet Technology, volume 7, number 1, pages 13-21, 2006. ::: |
14. |
C.-M. Wang, S.-T. Wang, S.-F. Hong and H.-M. Chen, "Experiences in Implementing a Java Collaborative IDE over the Internet," Journal of Internet Technology, volume 6, number 4, pages 427-436, 2005. ::: |
15. |
W.-C. Fang, C.-C. Hsu and C.-M. Wang, "On the Fault-Tolerant Embeddings of Complete Binary Trees in the Mesh Interconnection Networks," Information Sciences, volume 151, number 51-70, January 2003. ::: |
16. |
T.-R. Chuang, Y.-S. Kuo and C.-M. Wang, "Non-intrusive Object Introspection in C++," Software: Practice and Experience, volume 32, number 2, pages 191-207, February 2002. ::: |
17. |
Y. Hou, C.-M. Wang, C.-Y. Ku and L.-H. Hsu, "Optimal Processor Mapping for Linear-Complement Communication on Hypercubes," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, volume 12, number 5, pages 514-527, May 2001. ::: |
18. |
C.-M. Wang, Y. Hou and C.-Y. Ku, "Compiler Techniques for Minimizing Link Contention of Linear-Constant Communication on k-ary n-cubes," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, volume 14, number 1, pages 53-78, March 1998. |
19. |
C.-C. Hsu, C.-M. Wang and J.-F. Lin, "Efficient Loop Allocation Based on the Analysis of Processor Requirement of Loops with Equivalent Completion Times," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, volume 12, number 1, pages 53-60, January 1997. |
20. |
Y.-S. Chen, C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, "Tiling Nested Loops into Maximal Rectangluar Blocks," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, volume 35, number 2, pages 123-132, January 1996. |
21. |
C.-M. Wang, "A New Routing Algorithm for Cyclic Shifts on BRGC Hypercubes," Information Processing Letters, volume 49, number 4, pages 165-169, January 1994. |
22. |
C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, "Efficient Processor Assignment Algorithms and Loop Transformations for Executing Nested Parallel Loops on Multiprocessors," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, volume 3, number 1, pages 71-82, January 1992. ::: |
23. |
C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, "A Hybrid Scheme for Efficiently Executing Nested Loops on Multiprocessors," Parallel Computing, volume 18, number 6, pages 625-637, January 1992. |
24. |
S.-D. Wang and C.-M. Wang, "Compiler Techniques for Extracting Loop-Level Parallelism," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, volume 7, number 4, pages 543-563, January 1991. |
25. |
C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, "Structured Partitioning of Concurrent Programs for Execution on Multiprocessors," Parallel Computing, volume 16, number 1, pages 41-57, November 1990. |
Conference Papers | |
1. |
Chih-Jung Hsu, Yu-Xiang Luo, Yi-Chen Mao, Chien-Min Wang, and Yang Syu, "Extracting Tuple-Based Service Demands with Large Language Models for Automated Service Composition," Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Services Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 15430, Springer Nature Switzerland, pages 1-16, November 2024. ::: |
2. |
Joshua Ho, Chien-Min Wang, Chung-Ta King, Chi-Wei Feng, Yen-Min Chen and Yi Hsin You, "Learning Adaptation and Generalization from Human-Inspired Meta-Reinforcement Learning Using Bayesian Knowledge and Analysis," Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering, September 2023. |
3. |
Yang Syu and Chien-Min Wang, "A Gap Between Automated Service Composition Research and Software Engineering Development Practice: Service Descriptions," Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Wen Services, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14209, pages 18-31, September 2023. |
4. |
Yang Syu and Chien-Min Wang, "Using Genetic Programming to Identify Probability Distribution behind Data: A Preliminary Trial," Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pages 368-377, Orlando, USA, December 2022. |
5. |
Joshua Ho, Chien-Min Wang, Chun-Hsiang Chuang, Chung-Ta King, Chi-Wei Feng, Tun-Hsiang Chou, Yen-Min Chen, Yu-Hsin Yang, and Yi-Cheng Hsiao, "Bootstrapping Human-Autonomy Collaborations by using Brain-Computer Interface of SSVEP for Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning," Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems,, pages 1-6, Orlando, USA, November 2022. |
6. |
Yang Syu, Chien-Min Wang, and Yong-Yi Fanjiang, "A Verified Application of Genetic Programming: QoS Time Series Modeling and Forecasting for Web Services," Proceedings of the 2022 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 43-44, Boston, USA, July 2022. |
7. |
Kai-Hsun Chen, Huan-Ping Su, Wei-Chiu Chuang, Hung-Chang Hsiao, Wangda Tan, Zhankun Tang, Xun Liu, Yanbo Liang, Wen-Chih Lo, Wanqiang Ji, Byron Hsu, Keqiu Hu, HuiYang Jian, Quan Zhou, and Chien-Min Wang, "Apache Submarine: A Unified Machine Learning Platform Made Simple," Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems, pages 101-108, Rennes, France, April 2022. |
8. |
Yang Syu, Yu-Jen Tsao, and Chien-Min Wang, "Rule-based Extraction of Tuple-based Service Demand from Natural Language-based Software Requirement for Automated Service Composition," Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Services Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12995, Springer, Cham, pages 1-17, December 2021. |
9. |
Joshua Ho and Chien-Min Wang, "Human-Centered AI using Ethical Causality and Learning Representation for Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning," Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, pages 1-6, September 2021. |
10. |
Kai-Hsun Chen, Hsin-Yuan Chen and Chien-Min Wang, "Bucket MapReduce: Relieving the Disk I/O Intensity of Data-Intensive Applications in MapReduce Frameworks," Proceedings of the 29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, pages 18-25, March 2021. ::: |
11. |
Joshua Ho and Chien-Min Wang, "Explainable and Adaptable Augmentation in Knowledge Attention Network for Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Systems," Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering, pages 157-161, December 2020. ::: |
12. |
Yang Syu and Chien-Min Wang, "QoS Time Series Modeling and Forecasting for Web Services: A Comprehensive Survey of Subsequent Applications and Experimental Configurations," Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Services Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12409, pages 3-9, September 2020. ::: |
13. |
Yang Syu and Chien-Min Wang, "An Empirical Investigation of Real-World QoS of Web Services," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Services Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11515, pages 48-65, June 2019. ::: |
14. |
Yueh Wu and Chien-Ming Wang, "Applying Hand Gestures Recognition and Joints Tracking to TV Controller with CNN and Convolutional Pose Machine," Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Beijing, China, August 2018. |
15. |
Joshua Ho and Chien-Min Wang, "TouchWear: Context-Dependent and Self-Learning Personal Speech Assistant for Wearable Systems with Deep Neural Networks," Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems, Barcelona, Spain, July 2018. |
16. |
Yang Syu, Chien-Min Wang, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, "A Survey of Time-Aware Dynamic QoS Forecasting Research, Its Future Challenges and Research Directions," Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Services Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10969, Springer, Cham, pages 36-50, Seattle, USA, June 2018. |
17. |
Yang Syu and Chien-Min Wang, "Modeling and Forecasting Http Requests-Based Cloud Workloads Using Autoregressive Artificial Neural Networks," 2018 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS), IEEE, pages 139-145, April 2018. |
18. |
Chu I Chao, Chien-Min Wang, Hsuan-Chi Kuo, Liang-Chi Tseng, Shih-Kai Lin, Yu-Ju Tsai, Ching-Chi Lin and Da-Fang Chang, "Live Room Merger: A Real-Time Augmented Reality System for Merging Two Room Scenes," Proceedings of the 19th ACM Virtual Reality International Conference, Laval, France, March 2017. ::: |
19. |
Joshua Ho and Chien-Min Wang, "Towards More Efficient and Cost-Effective Augmented Reality on Wearable Computer Using Contextual Learning of User-Centric Computing and Social Crowdsourcing," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Wearable Technologies, Knowledge Development, and Learning, Stanford, California, USA, November 2016. |
20. |
Joshua Ho and Chien-Min Wang, "User-Centric and Real-Time Activity Recognition Using Smart Glasses," Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing, pages 196-210, May 2016. ::: |
21. |
Hsiang-Huang Wu, Tse-Chen Yeh, and Chien-Min Wang, "Multiple Two-Phase Data Processing with MapReduce," Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, pages 352-359, Alaska, USA, June 2014. ::: |
22. |
Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Jan-Jan Wu, Pen-Chung Yew, Wei Chung Hsu, Chien-Min Wang, Ding-Yong Hong, "Improving Dynamic Optimization Through Early-Exit Guided Code Region Formation," Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments, pages 23-32, Houston, USA, March 2013. |
23. |
Chien-Min Wang, Tse-Chen Yeh, and Guo-Fu Tseng, "Provision of Storage QoS in Distributed File Systems for Clouds," Proceedings of the 41th International Conference on Parallel Processing, pages 189-198, September 2012. |
24. |
Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Jan-Jan Wu, Pen-Chung Yew, Ding-Yong Hong, Wei-Chung Hsu and Chien-Min Wang, "Improving Region Selection Through Early-Exit Detection," Asia-Pacific Programming Languages and Compilers Workshop (APPLC), Beijing, China, June 2012. |
25. |
Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Jan-Jan Wu, Chien-Min Wang, Ding-Yong Hong, Wei-Chung Hsu, "Improving Region Selection Through Early-Exit Detection," ACM SIGPLAN Asia-Pacific Programming Languages and Compilers Workshop, number 12-003, June 2012, extended version submitted to ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimizations. |
26. |
Ding-Yong Hong, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pen-Chung Yew, Jan-Jan Wu, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang, Yeh-Ching Chung, "HQEMU: A Multithreaded and Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translator on Multicores," International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO, top conference in compilers), pages 104-113, March 2012. ::: |
27. |
Ding-Yong Hong, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pen-Chung Yew, Jan-Jan Wu, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang and Yeh-Ching Chung, "HQEMU: A Multi-Threaded and Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translator on Multicores," Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), March 2012. ::: |
28. |
C.-M. Wang, S.-T. Wang, H.-M. Chen and T.-C. Yeh, "Mercury: a Negotiation-based Resource Management System for Grids," Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Tainan, Taiwan, December 2011. |
29. |
Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang, Jan-Jan Wu, Ding-Yong Hong, Pen-Chung Yew and Wei-Chung Hsu, "LnQ: Building High Performance Dynamic Binary Translators with Existing Compiler Backends," International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), September 2011. |
30. |
C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Hsu, and C.-C. Huang, "FedMi: A Federation Middleware for Integrating Heterogeneous Data Grids," Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, May 2011. |
31. |
C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Huang, and H.-M. Liang, "ASDF: An Autonomous and Scalable Distributed File System," Proceedings of the 11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 2011. |
32. |
C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, and C.-C. Hsu, "Online Metatask Scheduling Heuristics for a Bidding-based Distributed System," Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, pages 11-19, Seoul, Korea, June 2009. |
33. |
C.-M. Wang, X.-W. Huang, and C.-C. Hsu, "Bi-objective Optimization: An Online Algorithm for Job Assignment," Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pages 223-234, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2009. |
34. |
C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Hsu, and J. Lee, "Resource Selection Strategies for a CNP-based Resource Management Model," Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, pages 458-463, Yilan, Taiwan, December 2008. |
35. |
C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu and C.-M. Wang, "Heuristic Algorithms for Replication Transition Problem in the Grid Systems," Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, pages 492-499, Lyon, France, May 2008. |
36. |
Li-Yung Ho, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang and Jan-Jan Wu, "The Development of a Drug Discovery Virtual Screening Application on Taiwan Unigrid," Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pages 38-47, Kunming, China, May 2008. |
37. |
C.-C. Hsu, C.-M. Wang, and P. Liu, "Optimal Replication Transition Strategy in Distributed Hierarchical Systems," Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Miami, Florida, USA, April 2008, The acceptance rate of full papers was 26%. ::: |
38. |
P.-C. Shih, H.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Chung, C.-M. Wang, R.-S. Chang C.-H. Hsu, K.-C. Huang and C.-T. Yang, "Middleware of Taiwan UniGrid," Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 489-493, Fortaleza, CearĂ¡, Brazil, March 2008, The acceptance rate of full papers was 25%. ::: |
39. |
C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Huang, H.-M. Chen and S.-T. Wang, "Conformance Checking of Running Programs in Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Systems," Proceedings of the 14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, pages 183-190, Nagoya, Japan, December 2007, The acceptance rate was 31%. |
40. |
C.-M. Wang, S.-T. Wang, H.-M. Chen and C.-C. Chang, "A Reliability-Aware Approach for Web Services Execution Planning," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Services, pages 278-283, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July 2007. |
41. |
C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Chang and J.-J. Wu, "A High-Performance Virtual Storage System for Taiwan UniGrid," Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pages 27-38, Paris, France, May 2007, The acceptance rate of regular papers was 26%. |
42. |
C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, "Optimizing Server Placement for QoS Requirements in Hierarchical Grid Environments," Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pages 181-192, Paris, France, May 2007, The acceptance rate of regular papers was 26%. |
43. |
C.-M. Wang, S.-T. Wang, H.-M. Chen and C.-C. Huang, "An Extensible Mechanism for Long-Term Persistence of JavaBeans Components," Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, pages 94-102, Mannheim, Germany, August 2006. |
44. |
C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, "Efficient Multi-Source Data Transfer in Data Grids," Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, pages 421-424, Singapore, May 2006. |
45. |
C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, "Optimizing Server Placement in Hierarchical Grid Environments," Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, pages 1-11, May 2006. |
46. |
H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Chang, J.-J. Wu, C.-M. Wang, and C.-C. Hsu, "Towards a Service-based Collaborative Framework for Data-intensive Grid Applications," Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, volume 2, pages 689-693, Fukuoka, Japan, July 2005. ::: |
47. |
C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, G.-C. Lee, S.-T. Wang, and S.-F. Hong, "A Tree-Structured Persistence Server for Data Management of Collaborative Applications," Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, volume 2, pages 503-506, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2005. ::: |
48. |
H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Chang, J.-J. Wu, and C.-M. Wang, "Towards a Service-based Collaborative Framework for Data-intensive Grid Applications," Proceedings of the First Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 2004. |
49. |
H.-M Chen, C.-C Chang, Jan-Jan Wu, and C.-M. Wang, "Toward a service-based collaborative framework for data-intensive Grid applications," Proceedings of the Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications, December 2004. |
50. |
Y.-F. Lin, C.-M. Wang and J.-J. Wu, "Optimizing I/O Server Placement for Parallel I/O on Switch-Based Irregular Networks," Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, Hong Kong, China, December 2004. |
51. |
C.-M. Wang, S.-T. Wang, S.-F. Hong and H.-M Chen, "Java Event Broadcasting in CSCW Environment," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2004. ::: |
52. |
Chien-Min Wang, "Optimal Routing for Odd-Even Rotations on BRGC Hypercubes," Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing, March 2003. |
53. |
J.-Y. Huang, Y.-C. Du and C.-M. Wang, "Design of the Server Cluster to Support Avatar Migration," Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2003, pages 7-14, 2003. ::: |
54. |
C.-M. Wang, Y. Hou and L.-H. Hsu, "Adaptive Path-Based Multicast on Wormhole-Routed Hypercubes," Proceedings of the 8th International Euro-Par Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2400, Springer, Paderborn, Germany, August 2002. |
55. |
J.-Y. Huang, Y.-C. Du and C.-M. Wang, "Design of the Server Cluster for the Scalable Networked Virtual Environment," Proceedings of the 2001 National Computer Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2001. |
56. |
W.-C. Fang, C.-C. Hsu and C.-M. Wang, "On the Fault-Tolerant Embeddings of Complete Binary Trees," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2001. |
57. |
C.-M. Wang, Y. Hou, and L.-H. Hsu, "Efficient Broadcast Schemes for Wormhole-Routed 2D Meshes and Tori," Proceedings of the Eleventh IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, pages 719-724, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, January 1999. |
58. |
C.-M. Wang Y. Hou and L.-H. Hsu, "Depth Contention-Free Broadcasting on Torus Networks," International Conference on Supercomputing, pages 393-400, Melbourne, Australia, January 1998. ::: |
59. |
Chien-Min Wang T.-R. Chuang and Y.-S. Kuo, "Non-Intrusive Object Introspection in C++ -- Architecture and Application," Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 312-321, Kyoto, Japan, January 1998. ::: |
60. |
C.-M. Wang Y. Hou, M.-J. Tsai, and L.-H. Hsu, "Broadcasting on Wormhole-Routed 2D Tori with Arbitrary Size," Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pages 334-341, Tainan, Taiwan, January 1998. ::: |
61. |
C.-M. Wang Y.-M. Hou and C.-Y. Ku, "Optimal Processor Mapping for Linear-Constant Communication on k-ary n-cubes," Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Architecture, pages 65-73, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 1996. |
62. |
C.-M. Wang Y.-M. Hou and C.-Y. Ku, "Minimizing Link Contention of Linear-Complement Permutations on Hypercubes by Processor Reordering Mapping," Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing, pages 171-178, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1996. |
63. |
C.-M. Wang and C.-Y. Ku, "A Near-Optimal Broadcasting Algorithm in All-Port Wormhole-Routed Hypercubes," International Conference on Supercomputing, pages 147-153, Barcelona, Spian, January 1995. ::: |
64. |
C.-M. Wang and Y.-S. Kuo, "Class Exerciser: a Basic Tool for Object-Oriented Development," Proceedings of the 1995 Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference, pages 108-116, Brisbane, Australia, January 1995. ::: |
65. |
C.-M. Wang, Y.-S. Chen and S.-D. Wang, "Compiler Techniques for Maximumizing Fine-grain and Coarse-grain Parallelism in Loops with Uniform Dependences," International Conference on Supercomputing, pages 204-213, Manchester, England, January 1994. ::: |
66. |
C.-M. Wang, "Efficient Link-Disjoint Routing of Cyclic Shifts on BRGC Hypercubes," Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pages 689-693, Taipei, Taiwan, January 1993. |
67. |
C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, "Compiler Techniques to Extract Parallelism within a Nested Loop," Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, pages 24-29, Tokyo, Japan, January 1991. ::: |
68. |
C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, "A Scheduling Scheme for Efficiently Executing Hybrid Nested Loops," Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Parallel Processing, volume 11, pages 260-261, St. Charles, IL., January 1991. |
69. |
C.-M. Wang and S.-D. Wang, "Extract Parallelism within a Nested Loop by Cycle Breaking and Loop Reordering," Proceedings of the First Workshop on Parallel Processing, pages 144-152, Hsinchu, Taiwan, January 1990. |
Technical Reports | |
1. |
Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Jan-Jan Wu, Chien-Min Wang, Ding-Yong Hong, Wei-Chung Hsu, "Improving Region Selection Through Early-Exit Detection," number 12-003, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica., 2012, extended version submitted to ACM Transactions on Architecture and Compiler Optimizations. |
2. |
Ding-Yong Hong, Chun-Chen Hsu, Chao-Rui Chang, Jan-Jan Wu, Pen-Chung Yew, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang, Yeh-Ching Chung, Technical Report., "A Dynamic Binary Translation System in a Client/Server Environment," number 12-002, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica., 2012, submitted to ACM Transactions on Architecture and Compiler Optimizations, for the special issue on "High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilation". |
Book & Book Chapters | |
1. |
PeiZong Lee, Chien-Min Wang, and Jan-Jan Wu,, chapter "Compiler and Run-time Parallelization Techniques for Scientific Computations on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers," High Performance Computing: Paradigm and Infrastructure, Laurence T. Yang and Minyi Guo, editor, pages 135--181, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006. |