Research Fellow/Professor | Tsai, Huai-Kuang |
Personnel Training |
Ph.D.- Ph.D., ***** Hung, National Taiwan University (2014/08–2020/07), Postdoc fellow, Stanford University, USA
- Ph.D., ***** Shiau, TIGP, National Yang-Ming University (2014/08–2020/07), Postdoc fellow, Houston Methodist Research Institute, USA
- Ph.D., ***** Chiang, National Taiwan University (2012/08–2019/12), Scientist, National Taiwan University
- Ph.D., 蔡○曄 , "Toward a Better Understanding of Transcription Factor Binding: Strategies, Features, and Applications", National Yang-Ming University (2008/09–2013/12), Scientist, Illumina
- Ph.D., ***** B. S. Swamy, "A computational study on evolutionary and mechanistic properties of transcription factor binding sites in yeast", National Yang-Ming University (2007/09–2012/07), Assistant Professor, Ahmedabad University, India
- Ph.D., 張○霖, "A 3D-regulog approach to predict protein-DNA binding partners and binding model", National Taiwan University (2007/01–2008/06), Military service
- Ph.D., 蘇○豪, "Determining the differences between and within microbial communities : a computational metagenomic study", 台灣大學資訊工程所 (2006/09–2013/06), 中央研究院生物多樣性中心 Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellows- Postdoctoral Fellow, 黃○欣, 台大昆蟲系 (2015/10–2020/06), Taiwan AI Labs
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 林○賢, 成功大學 (2013/08–2015/02), 資策會
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 陳○靜, 台灣大學 (2010/07–2013/02), Delta Electronics Inc.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 王○毅, 台灣大學 (2010/03–2012/03)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 詹○熊 , 交通大學 (2008/11–2009/01), 慈濟大學醫學資訊學系助理教授
Assistants- Assistant, 朱○藝, 台灣大學 (2009/09–2012/09), Storm media
- Assistant, 許○瑋, 交通大學 (2009/09–2012/07), UMC Inc
- Assistant, 徐○聰, 清華大學 (2008/09–2011/06), 台大博士班
- Assistant, 吳○謙 , 台灣大學 (2008/05–2009/08), PhD student in UK
- Assistant, 卓○毅, 資訊所 (2007/04–2008/08), MS student in University of California, Irvine
- Assistant, 黃○瑋, 資訊所 (2007/03–2007/12), Ph. D student in CMU
- Assistant, 周○淵, 師範大學 (2006/07–2008/01), 國立台灣師範大學資訊中心
- Assistant, 石○華, "regulatory mechanism in diverently transcribed gene pairs in yeast", 清華大學 (2005/06–2007/07), Ph. D student in Rice University