Adjunct Research Fellow/Professor  |  Su, Keh-Yih  
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Dr. Su, B.S., National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, and Ph.D. (in EE) from University of Washington, Seattle, 1984, taught after graduation at his alma mater in Taiwan. In 1985, he launched an English-Chinese Machine Translation Project. He then founded Behavior Design Corp. in 1988 to commercialize the above project. From 1989 to 1990, he was a visiting scientist at AT&T Bell Laboratories, NJ, working on speech recognition. Dr. Su left the National Tsing-Hua university (as a professor) to join Behavior Design Corporation in 1998, and has been directing the company until May, 2014. He has become a Research Fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan since June, 2014.

Dr. Su proposed and co-launched the Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP, Taiwan; in 1988, and has been the president and the advisory board member for that association. He became familiar with the Association for Computational Linguistics activities (ACL, which is the most prestigious international association in this field; by serving as area chairs in ACL conferences (94, 99, 02, 13), the general chair of ACL-IJCNLP-2009, an editorial board member (94-96) for the Journal of Computational Linguistics (which is the most prestigious journal in the computational linguistic field), an executive committee member for ACL (05-07), and a steering committee member for SIGDAT (ACL). Last, he was nominated as the candidate of ACL Vice President Elect of 2014.Besides, he was nominated as the candidate of ACL Vice President Elect of 2014. Last, he was elected as the founding officer “Chair-elect” (2018/7 - 2020/12) of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of ACL, and will continue be the chair (2021/1 - 2022/12) of that chapter.

Outside the ACL circle, he has served as the program chair/co-chair for various international conferences (e.g., EMNLP-00, NLPRS-01, IJCNLP-04), an editorial board member for several international journals (e.g., International Journal of Machine Translation, Journal of Natural Language Processing, Japan, Communications of COLIP, Singapore, International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing), and an advisory member for the book series of "New Series in Natural Language Processing" (John Benjamins). In addition, he helped Taiwan host Coling-02 in the role of the Bidding Committee chair. Dr. Su enjoys excellent relationships with researchers in various Asian regions: he has served as an invited speaker in various regional/international conferences (e.g., China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Singapore), given lectures on statistical NLP in Beijing, China (90, 02), and delivered a tutorial on "Pitfalls in Applying Unsupervised Learning to NLP" at IJCNLP-04. Last, he co-launched the Asian Federation of NLP Associations (AFNLP; at 2003, and has been the chair for the Conference Coordination Committee (for supervising IJCNLP conference series, 2004-2008), the Secretary General (2004-2008), the vice president (2009-2010), and the president (2011-2012) of AFNLP.
