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Compiler (編譯器原ç†), Spring 2011

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Reference Books

  1. Introduction to Compiler
  2. Overview: Syntax definition, syntax-directed translation, parsing
  3. Overview: Lexical analysis, symbol tables, intermediate code generation
  4. Lexical analysis: input buffering, token specification and recognition
  5. Lexical analysis: Introduction to the Lexical-Analyzer Generator: Lex
  6. Lexical analysis: Finite automata and regular expression
  7. Syntax analysis: context-free grammar, top-down parsing and bottom-up parsing
  8. Syntax analysis: LR parsing, parser generator: Yacc
  9. Syntax-directed translation: syntax-directed definition (SSD), S-attributed and L-attributed
  10. Syntax-directed translation: postfix translation scheme, parser-stack implementation
  11. Syntax-directed translation: on-the-fly code generation, LL parsing
  12. Intermediate-code generation: three-address code, types & declarations, type checking, control flow
  13. Intermediate-code generation: backpatching, switch-statements
  14. Run-time environment
  15. Code generation: design issues, basic blocks, flow graphs
  16. Code generation: peephole optimization, register allocation and assignment, tree rewriting

  • Homework: 10%
    Midterm: 40%
    Final Exam: 40%
    In-Class performance: 10% (ä¸å®šæ™‚點å)

  • Programming experiences with C or Java

Dragon Book, 2e
Lex & Yacc, 2/e The Java Programming Language, 4/e

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Yuan-Hao Chang
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