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Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (拐辣撠閮剛), Spring 2014

Lecturing Information
Lecturing Information (隤脩鞈閮)
Class Information


Teaching Assistants
  • 敺憪
    Office: 鞈撌亦頂204
    Email: coolivan3[at]outlook.com

  • Office: 鞈撌亦頂204
    Email: loveweekly[at]gmail.com

Syllabus - Part I: Object-Oriented Design Patterns
  1. Introduction to design patterns
  2. The observer pattern
  3. The decorator pattern
  4. The factory pattern
  5. The singleton pattern
  6. The command pattern
  7. The adaptor and facade patterns
  8. The template method pattern
  9. The iterator and composite patterns
  10. The state pattern
  11. The proxy pattern
  12. Compound patterns
  13. Better living with patterns

Syllabus - Part II: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  1. Getting started: Well-designed apps
  2. Gathering requirements
  3. Requirements change
  4. Analysis
  5. Good design and flexible software
  6. Solving really big problems
  7. Architecture
  8. Design principles
  9. Iteration and testing
  10. The OOA&D lifecycle


  • Projects: 30%
    Midterm: 30%
    Final Exam: 30%
    In-Class performance: 10%

  • Programming experiences with C++ or Java

Head First Design Patterns, 2004
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D, 2006
Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 4/e, 2012
Design Patterns, 1998
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using Uml, 4/e, 2011
Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design
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