We are currently recruiting full-time research assistants and postdocs. Applicants that have background in computer vision and machine learning are welcome to apply for the positions.
Applications and inquiries can be emailed to liutyng@iis.sinica.edu.tw (Tyng-Luh Liu)
12/2024 |
** Our paper titled "Tracking Everything Everywhere across Multiple Cameras" is accepted to AAAI 2025. |
12/2024 |
** Our paper titled "Multimodal Promptable Token Merging for Diffusion Models" is accepted to AAAI 2025. |
12/2024 |
** Our paper titled "SLIP: Spoof-aware One-Class Face Anti-Spoofing with Language Image Pretraining" is accepted to AAAI 2025. |
10/2024 |
** Yu-Hsuan Hunag has joined IIS-CVML Lab as a full-time RA. |
10/2024 |
** Pei-Chi Chen has joined IIS-CVML Lab as a full-time RA. |
07/2024 |
** Our paper titled "Learning Diffusion Models for Multi-View Anomaly Detection" is accepted to ECCV 2024. |
07/2024 |
** Our paper titled "Pseudo-Embedding for Generalized Few-Shot Point Cloud Segmentation" is accepted to ECCV 2024. |
03/2024 |
** Two papers on DeepFake Detection and Face Anti-Spoofing are accepted to CVPR 2024. |
07/2023 |
** Congratulations to lab member Yen-Chi Hsu for obtianing Ph.D. in CS from NTU. |
07/2023 |
** Our paper titled "Attention Discriminant Sampling for Point Clouds" is accepted by ICCV 2023. |
05/2023 |
** Our paper titled "ABC-Norm Regularization for Fine-Grained and Long-Tailed Image Classification" is accepted by IEEE TIP. |
04/2023 |
** Our paper titled "Shape-Guided Dual-Memory Learning for 3D Anomaly Detection" is accepted by ICML 2023. |
02/2023 |
** Our paper titled "One-shot Action Detection via Attention Zooming In" is accepted by ICASSP 2023. |
02/2023 |
** Our paper titled "IoU-Aware Multi-Expert Cascade Network via Dynamic Ensemble for Long-tailed Object Detection" is accepted by ICASSP 2023. |
08/2022 |
** Our paper titled "Aggregating Bilateral Attention for Few-Shot Instance Localization" is accepted by WACV 2023. |
07/2022 |
** Our paper titled "Self-Supervised Sparse Representation for Video Anomaly Detection" is accepted by ECCV 2022. |
07/2022 |
** Our paper titled "Decoupled Contrastive Learning" is accepted by ECCV 2022. |
03/2022 |
** Our paper titled "Capturing Humans in Motion: Temporal-Attentive 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation from Monocular Video" is accepted by CVPR 2022. |
01/2022 |
** Our paper titled "SAGA: Self-Augmentation with Guided Attention for Representation Learning" is accepted by ICASSP 2022. |
12/2021 |
** Our paper titled "Pose Adaptive Dual Mixup for Few-Shot Single-View Reconstruction" is accepted by AAAI 2022. |
07/2021 |
** Our paper titled "Learning Unsupervised Metaformer for Anomaly Detection" is accepted by ICCV 2021. |
02/2021 |
** Our paper titled "Adaptive Image Transformer for One-Shot Object Detection is accepted by CVPR 2021. |
01/2021 |
** Our paper titled "Referring Image Segmentation via Language-Driven Attention" is accepted by ICRA 2021. |
12/2020 |
** Our paper titled "Adaptive and Generative Zero-Shot Learning" is accepted by ICLR 2021. |
12/2020 |
** Our paper titled "Text-guided Graph Neural Networks for Referring 3D Instance Segmentation" is accepted by AAAI 2021. |
07/2020 |
** Our paper titled "Learning from Music to VIsual Storytelling of Shots: A Deep Interactive Learning Mechanism" is accepted by ACM MM 2020. |
07/2020 |
** Our paper titled "Self-similarity Student for Partial Label Histopathology Image Segmentation" is accepted by ECCV 2020. |
12/2019 |
** Our paper titled "Query-driven Multi-Instance Learning" is accepted by AAAI 2020. |
09/2019 |
** Our paper titled "One-Shot Object Detection with Co-Attention and Co-Excitation" is accepted by NeurIPS 2019. |
07/2019 |
** Our paper titled "See-through-Text Grouping for Referring Image Segmentation" is accepted by ICCV 2019. |
07/2019 |
** Our paper titled "Tell Me Where It is Still Blurry: Adversarial Blurred Region Mining and Refining" is accepted by ACM MM 2019. |
11/2018 |
** Our paper titled "Unsupervised Meta-learning of Figure-Ground Segmentation via Imitating Visual Effects" is accepted by AAAI 2019. |
06/2018 |
** The joint effort with Prof. Hwann-Tzong Chen and his students (Shou-Yao Roy Tseng & Shao-Heng Tai) has won the first place for Instance Segmentation Challenge in Robust Vision Challenge at CVPR 2018. |
03/2018 |
** Our paper titled "Coherent Deep-Net Fusion To Classify Shots In Concert Videos" is accepted by IIEEE TMM. |
02/2018 |
** Our paper titled "Cube Padding for Weakly-Supervised Saliency Prediction in 360¢X Videos" is accepted by CVPR 2018. |