Adjunct Research Fellow/Professor | Hsu, Wen-Lian |
Professional activities |
Editorship- Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing, USA (2010/07–present)
- Editor in Chief, Journal of Information Science and Engineering , Taiwan (2010/03–present)
- Associate Editor, International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science, Singapore (2008/12–present)
- Editor, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, USA (2005–present)
- Editor, Information Processing Letters, Netherland (2001–present)
- Managing Editor, Journal of Information Science and Engineering , Taiwan (1994–2000)
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Singapore (1993–2001)
Conference Services- General Chair, 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics, InCoB 2008 , Taipei (2008/10–2012)
- general chair, The Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS’06), Chung-Li. (2006/06–2006/06)
- co-chair (with Ming-Yang Kao), The Fourth Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON’), Taipei (1998/08–1998/08)
- symposium co-chair (with R.C.T. Lee), chairman of the technical program committee, The Second Annual International Symposium on Algorithms (ISAAC’91), Taipei (1991/12–1991/12)
- co-chair (with K. W. Lih), The Third Chinese-French Conference on Combinatorics and Computing, Taipei (1991/10–1991/10)
TPC/PC Members- PC member, 18th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2014/04–2014/04)
- Program committee member, International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology(BICoB 2009), USA (2009)
- Program committee member, International Joint Conference on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing (IJCBS 2009), China (2009–2010)
- Program committee member, International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2009), USA (2009–2011)
- Program committee member, IEEE 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE 2007), USA (2008–2012)
- Program committee member, Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2007), Taiwan (2008–2012)
- Program committee member, International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2008), Canada (2008)
- Program committee member, The 2007 IEEE International Conference on BioInformation and BioMedicine (BIBM 2007), USA (2008–2012)
- Program committee member, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2008, 2009, 2010), China (2008–2010)
- Program committee member, The 18th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2007 ), Singapore (2007–2015)
- Program committee member, The Fifth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference(APBC 2007), Hong Kong (2007–2016)
- Program committee member, The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI-07) , USA (2007–2009)
- Program Committee member, The 3rd International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'07), USA (2007)
- Program committee member, The 13th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2007), Canada (2007–2011)
- Program committee member, The 2nd International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'06), Hong Kong, (2006)
- Program committee member, Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2006), Taiwan (2006)
- Program committee member, The Forth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference(APBC 2006), Taiwan (2006)
- Program committee member, The 2006 Asia Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS 2006), Singapore (2006)
- Program committee member, The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB 2006), India (2006)
- Program committee member, The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB2007), Hong Kong (2006–2010)
- Program committee member, The 2006 Life Sciences Society Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB 2006), USA (2006–2010)
Referee for Journals- Reviewer, Operations Research Letters
- Reviewer, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
- Reviewer, SIAM Journal on Computing
- Reviewer, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics
- Reviewer, Algorithmica
- Reviewer, Annals of Discrete Mathematics
- Reviewer, BMC Bioinformatics
- Reviewer, Bioinformatics
- Reviewer, Canadian Research Council , Canadian Research Council (CANADA)
- Reviewer, Discrete Applied mathematics
- Reviewer, Discrete Mathematics
- Reviewer, European Journal of Operational Research
- Reviewer, Information Processing Letters
- Reviewer, International Journal of the Foundation of Computer Science
- Reviewer, Journal of Algorithms
- Reviewer, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Reviewer, Journal of Combinatorial Theory
- Reviewer, Journal of Graph Theory
- Reviewer, Journal of Information Science and Engineering
- Reviewer, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery
- Reviewer, Management Science
- Reviewer, Mathematical programming
- Reviewer, Mathematics of Operations Research
- Reviewer, Nucleic Acids Research
- Reviewer, Operations Research
Membership- PC member, The 20th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'14), Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2014/08)
- PC member, The 7th Annual Meeting of Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation , Hangzhou, China (2014–2015)
- PC member, the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Beijing, China (2013/07)
- PC member, the 17th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Beijing,China (2013/04–2014)
- PC member, Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering, Japan (2012/10)
- board member, Digital Language Learning Association (DLL) (2006–2008)
- Fellow, IEEE (2006)
- board member, The Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP) (2002)
- board member (2001-2004, 2007-present), Taiwanese Society of Bioinformatics (2001)
- member, The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)
- Professional member, ACM
- member, AACE
- member, ISCB
- member, SIAM
- President (2001-02), board member (2003-), Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI)