Research Fellow/Professor | Lu, Chun-Shien |
Personnel Training |
Ph.D.- Ph.D., 胡○偉, NTU 資訊所博士班 (2014/09)
- Ph.D., 林○玄, NCKU 應數所博士班 (2013/09)
- Ph.D., 梁○捷 , NCKU 應數所博士班 (2013/02)
- Ph.D., ***** Hsieh, National Taiwan University/NCKU (2010/10), Ph. D. student
- Ph.D., ***** Yu, "Wireless Sensor Network Security", National Taiwan University (2004/10–2012/06)
- Ph.D., ***** Sun, "Multimedia Security: Encryption, Watermarking, and Distribution Technologies and Applications", National Central University (2003/08–2007/07)
- Ph.D., ***** Chen, "Data Hiding-based Video Copy Protection and Error Resilient Transmission", National Central University (2002/08–2006/07)
M.S.- M.S., ***** Chen, "Study of Securtiy in Digial Image Forensics", Yuan-Ze University (2006/09–2008/10), Army service
Postdoctoral Fellows- Postdoctoral Fellow, ***** Wu, National Chung-Hsin University (2011/04–2011/08), Assistant Professor at 稻江大學
- Postdoctoral Fellow, ***** Lin, National Chung-Cheng University (2009/02–2009/07), Assistant Professor at 亞洲大學
- Postdoctoral Fellow, ***** Kang, National Chung-Cheng University (2005/01–2010/07)
Assistants- Assistant, 洪○眩, 交大應數所碩士班 (2014/07–2015/06)
- Assistant, 郭○彥, NTU 數學系碩士班 (2013/03–2014/09)
- Assistant, 林○鈞, 東海大學數學系 (2012/08–2015/06)
- Assistant, 簡○訓, NTU 電信所碩士班 (2012/06–2014/09), 宏達電
- Assistant, ***** Tsou, National Taiwan University (2009/10–2013/01), Ph. D. student
- Assistant, ***** Chen, National Taiwan University/National Dong-Hwa University (2008/10–2011/10), Ph. D. student & 業界
- Assistant, ***** Lin, National Chung-Cheng University (2007/07–2009/03), 業界
- Assistant, ***** Hsu, National Kaohsiung First University of Technology (2003/10–2012/01)