Publications |
Journal Articles | |
1. |
Chien-Yao Wang and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "YOLOv1 to YOLOv10: The Fastest and Most Accurate Real-Time Object Detection Systems," APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, volume 13, number 1, November 2024. ::: ::: |
2. |
Chien-Yao Wang, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and I-Hau Yeh, "Designing Network Design Strategies Through Gradient Path Analysis," Journal of Information Science and Engineering , volume 39, number 4, pages 975-995, July 2023, Invited paper ::: |
3. |
Chien-Yao Wang, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and I-Hau Yeh, "You Only Learn One Representation: Unified Network for Multiple Tasks," Journal of Information Science and Engineering , volume 39, number 3, pages 691-709, May 2023, Invited paper ::: |
4. |
Po-Kang Lin and Yu-Hsien Chiu and Chiu-Jung Huang and Chien-Yao Wang and Mei-Lien Pan and Da-Wei Wang and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao and Yong-Sheng Chen and Chieh-Hsiung Kuan and Shih-Yen Lin and Li-Fen Chen, "PADAr: physician-oriented artificial intelligence-facilitating diagnosis aid for retinal diseases," Journal of Medical Imaging, volume 9, number 4, pages 1-17, July 2022. ::: |
5. |
W. L. Wei, J. C. Lin, T. L. Liu, H. R. Tyan, H. M. Wang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Learning to Visualize Music Through Shot Sequence for Automatic Concert Video Mashup," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 23, pages 1731-1743, 2021. ::: |
6. |
Jen-Chun Lin, Wen-Li Wei, Tyng-Luh Liu, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, Hsiao-Rong Tyan, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Coherent Deep-Net Fusion To Classify Shots In Concert Videos," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 20, number 11, pages 3123-3136, November 2018. ::: |
7. |
Guanjun Guo, Hanzi Wang, Chunhua Shen, Yan Yan, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Automatic Image Cropping for Visual Aesthetic Enhancement Using Deep Neural Networks and Cascaded Regression," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 20, number 8, pages 2073-2085, August 2018. ::: |
8. |
P. C. Wen, W. C. Cheng, Y. S. Wang, H. K. Khu, Nick C. Tang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Court Reconstruction for Camera Calibration in Broadcast Basketball Videos," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, volume 22, number 5, pages 1517-1526, May 2016. |
9. |
Y. Y. Chen, Tao Chen, Taikun Liu, H. Y. Mark Liao, and Shih-Fu Chang, "Assistive Image Comment Robot - A Novel Mid-Level Concept-based Representation," IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, volume 6, number 3, pages 298-311, July 2015. |
10. |
Nick C. Tang, Yen-Yu Lin, Ju-Hsuan Hua, Shih-En Wei, Ming-Fang Weng, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Robust Action Recognition via Borrowing Information Across Video Modalities," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 24, number 2, pages 709-723, February 2015. ::: |
11. |
Nick C. Tang, Yen-Yu Lin, Ming-Fang Weng, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Cross-Camera Knowledge Transfer for Multiview People Counting," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 24, number 1, pages 80-93, January 2015. ::: |
12. |
Jeng-Tsung Tsai, Yen-Yu Lin, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Per-Cluster Ensemble Kernel Learning for Multi-Modal Image Clustering With Group-Dependent Feature Selection," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 16, number 8, pages 2229-2241, December 2014. ::: |
13. |
Y. L. Chen, C. T. Hsu, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Simultaneous Tensor Decomposition and Completion Using Factor Priors," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, volume 36, number 3, pages 577-591, March 2014. |
14. |
Nick C. Tang, C. T. Hsu, M. F. Weng, T. Y. Lin, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Example-based Human Motion Extrapolation and Motion Repairing Using Contour Manifold," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 16, number 1, pages 47-59, January 2014. ::: |
15. |
Yan-Ying Chen, Winston Hsu, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Automatic Training Image Acquisition and Effective Feature Selection from Community-Contributed Photos for Facial Attribute Detection," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 15, number 6, pages 1388-1399, October 2013. ::: |
16. |
C. H. Ling, Y. M. Liang, C. W. Lin, Y. S. Chen, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Human Object Inpainting Using Manifold Learning-based Posture Sequence Estimation," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, volume 20, number 11, pages 3124-3135, November 2011. |
17. |
Nick C Tang, C. T. Hsu, C. W. Su, T. K. Shih, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Video Inpainting on Digitized Vintage Films via Maintaining Spatiotemporal Continuity," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 13, number 4, pages 602-614, August 2011. |
18. |
C. H. Ling, C. W. Lin, C. W. Su, H. Y. Mark Liao, and Y. S. Chen, "Virtual Contour Guided Video Object Inpainting Using Posture Mapping and Retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 13, number 2, pages 292-302, April 2011. |
19. |
K. L.Chung, Y. H. Huang, P. C. Chang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Reversible Data Hiding-based Approach for Intra-Frame Error Concealment in H.264/AVC," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, volume 20, number 11, pages 1643-1647, November 2010. |
20. |
K. L. Chung, Y. H. Huang, J. P. Wang, T. C. Chang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Fast Randomized Algorithm for Center Detection," Pattern Recognition, volume 43, number 8, pages 2659-2665, August 2010. |
21. |
Yu-Ming Liang, Sheng-Wen Shih, Arthur C.-C. Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and Chen-Chung Lin, "Learning Atomic Human Actions Using Variable-Length Markov Models," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, volume 39, number 1, pages 268-280, February 2009. |
22. |
Duan-Yu Chen, Kevin Cannons, Hsiao-Rong Tyan, Sheng-Wen Shih, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Spatiotemporal Motion Analysis for the Detection and Classification of Moving Targets," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 10, number 8, pages 1578-1591, December 2008. |
23. |
Y.-T. Hsu, J.-W. Hsieh, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Video-based Human Movement Analysis and Its Application to Surveillance Systems," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 10, number 3, pages 372-384, April 2008. |
24. |
L.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Lai, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Movie Scene Segmentation Using Background Information," Pattern Recognition, volume 41, number 10, pages 1056-1065, 2008. |
25. |
C.-W. Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H.-R. Tyan, C.-W. Lin, D.-Y. Chen, and K.-C. Fan, "Motion Flow-based Video Retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 9, number 6, pages 1193-1201, October 2007. |
26. |
Hsueh-Yi Sean Lin, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and Ja-Chen Lin, "Visual Salience-Guided Mesh Decomposition," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 9, number 1, pages P46~P57, January 2007. |
27. |
Y.H. Ho,C.W.Lin, J.F. Chen and H.Y. Mark Liao, "Fast Coarse-to-Fine Video Retrieval Using shot-level Spatio-temporal Statistics," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, volume 16, number 5, pages 642-648, May 2006. |
28. |
C.-W Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H.-R. Tyan, K.-C. Fan, and L.-H Chen, "A Motion-Tolerant Dissolve Detection Algorithm," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 7, number 6, pages 1106-1113, December 2005. |
29. |
H.-Y. Lin, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C.-S. Lu, and J.-C. Lin, "Fragile Watermarking for Authenticating 3-D Polygonal Meshes," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 7, number 6, pages 997-1006, December 2005. |
30. |
D.-Y. Chen , S.-Y. Lee, and H.-Y Mark Liao, "Robust Video Sequence Retrieval Using A Novel Object-based T2D-Histogram," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, volume 6, number 2, pages 212-232, 2005. |
31. |
Y.-M. Liang, H.-R. Tyan, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and S.-W. Chen, "Video Stabilization for a Camcoder Mounted on a Moving Vehicle," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, volume 53, number 6, pages 1636-1648, November 2004. |
32. |
C.-J. Pai, H.-R. Tyan, H.-Y. Mark Liao, Y.-M. Liang, and S.-W. Chen, "Pedestrian Detection and Tracking at Crossroads," Pattern Recognition, volume 37, number 5, pages 1025-1034, May 2004. |
33. |
L.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Lai, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and C.-W. Su, "Extraction of Video Object with Complex Motion," Pattern Recognition Letters, volume 25, number 11, pages 1285-1291, 2004. |
34. |
C.-S Lu and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Structural Digital Signature for Image Authentication: An Incidental resistant Scheme," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 5, number 2, pages 161-173, June 2003. |
35. |
C. -C Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and C.-S Lu, "A New Iterated Two-band Diffusion Equation :Theory and Its Application," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, volume 12, number 4, pages 466-476, January 2003. |
36. |
G.-J Yu, C.-S Lu, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "A Message-Based Cocktail Watermarking System," Pattern Recognition, volume 36, number 4, pages 957-968, January 2003. |
37. |
L.-H. Chen, C.-W. Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and C.-C. Shih, "On the Preview of Digital Movies," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, volume 14, pages 358-368, 2003. |
38. |
C.-S Lu, H.-Y. Mark Liao,and Martin Kutter, "Denoising and Copy Attacks and Resilient Watermarking by Exploiting Knowledge at Detector," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, volume 11, number 3, pages 280-292, March 2002. |
39. |
L.-F.Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao and J.-C. Lin, "Wavelet-based Optical Flow Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, volume 12, number 1, pages 1-12, January 2002. |
40. |
C.-S Lu, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Multipurpose Watermarking for Image Authentication and Protection," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, volume 10, number 10, pages 1579-1592, October 2001. |
41. |
G.-J. Yu, C.-S. Lu, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Mean Quantization-based Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication," Optical Engineering, volume 40, number 7, pages 1396-1408, July 2001. |
42. |
C.-J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and K.-C. Fan, "A new image flux conduction method and its application to selective image smoothing," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, volume 10, number 2, pages 296-306, February 2001. |
43. |
L.-F. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao,C.-C. Han, and J.-C. Lin, "Why recognition in a statistics-based face recognition system should be based on the pure face portion: a probabilistic decision-based proof," Pattern Recognition, volume 34, number 5, pages 1393-1403, 2001. |
44. |
C.-S. Lu, , S.-K. Huang, C.-J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Cocktail watermarking for digital image protection," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 2, number 4, pages 209-224, December 2000. |
45. |
C.-C. Han, H.-Y. Mark Liao, G.-J. Yu, and L.-H. Chen, "Fast face detection via morphology-based pre-processing," Pattern Recognition, volume 33, number 10, pages 1701-1712, 2000. |
46. |
L.-F. Chen,H.-Y. Mark Liao, M.-T. Ko, J.-C. Lin, and G.-J. Yu, "A new LDA-based face recognition system which can solve the small sample size problem," Pattern Recognition, volume 33, number 10, pages 1713-1725, 2000. |
47. |
Peter S. Deng, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C.-W. Ho, and H.-R. Tyan, "Wavelet-based off-line handwritten signature verification," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, volume 76, number 3, pages 173-190, December 1999. |
48. |
L. H. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao, J. Y. Wang, and K. C. Fan, "Automatic data capture for geographic information systems," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, volume 29, number 2, pages 205-215, May 1999. |
49. |
C. J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H. L. Hung, K. C. Fan, and J. W. Hsieh, "Multiscale edge detection on range images via normal changes," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, special issue on Multirate Systems, Filter Banks, Wavelets, and Applications, volume 45, number 8, pages 1087-1092, August 1998. |
50. |
S. H. Jeng, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C. C. Han, M. Y. Chern, and Y. T. Liu, "Facial feature detection using geometrical face model: an efficient approach," Pattern Recognition, volume 31, number 3, pages 273-282, 1998. |
51. |
J. H. Chang, H.-Y. Mark Liao, M. K. Hor, J. W. Hsieh, and M. Y. Chern, "A new automatic multi-level thresholding technique for segmentation of thermal images," Image and Vision Computing, volume 15, pages 23-34, 1997. |
52. |
J. W. Hsieh, H.-Y. Mark Liao, M. T. Ko, and K. C. Fan, "A new wavelet-based edge detector via constrained optimization," Image and Vision Computing, volume 15, pages 511-527, 1997. |
53. |
J. W. Hsieh, H.-Y. Mark Liao, K. C. Fan, M. T. Ko, and Y. P. Hung, "Image registration using a new edge-based approach," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, volume 67, pages 112--130, 1997. |
54. |
L. H. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao, J. Y. Wang, and K. C. Fan, "A robust algorithm for separation of Chinese characters from line drawings," Image and Vision Computing, volume 14, pages 753-761, August 1996. |
55. |
C. J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, K. C. Fan, M. Y. Chern, and C. K. Tsao, "A fractal image coding system based on an adaptive side coupling quadtree structure," Image and Vision Computing, volume 14, pages 401-415, 1996. |
56. |
J. W. Hsieh, H.-Y. Mark Liao, M. T. Ko, and K. C. Fan, "Wavelet-based shape from shading," Graphical Models and Image Processing, volume 57, pages 343--362, 1995. |
57. |
L. H. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao,and W. C. Lin, "Recovery of superquadric primitive from stereo images," Image and Vision Computing, volume 12, pages 285--296, 1994. |
58. |
W. C. Lin, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C. K. Tsao and T. Lingutla, "A hierarchical multiple-view approach to three-dimensional object recognition," IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, volume 2, pages 84--92, 1991. |
Conference Papers | |
1. |
Chien-Yao Wang, I-Hau Yeh, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "YOLOv9: Leaning What You Want to Learn Using Programmable Gradient Information," European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), October 2024. ::: |
2. |
Chien-Yao Wang, Alexey Bochkovskiy, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors," IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2023. ::: |
3. |
Wen-Li Wei, Jen-Chun Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Capturing Humans in Motion: Temporal-Attentive 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation from Monocular Video," IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2022. ::: |
4. |
C. Y. Wang, H. Y. Mark Liao, I. H. Yeh, Y. Y. Chuang, and Y. L. Lin, "Exploring the Power of Lightweight YOLOv4," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) ``Low Power Computer Vision'' Workshop, IEEE, October 2021. ::: |
5. |
C. Y. Wang, Alexey Bochkovskiy, H. Y. Mark Liao, "Scaled-YOLOv4: Scaling Cross Stage Partial Network," Proc. of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021, pages 13029-13038, IEEE, June 2021. ::: |
6. |
Jen-Chun Lin, Wen-Li Wei, Yen-Yu Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Learning From Music to Visual Storytelling of Shots: A Deep Interactive Learning Mechanism," ACM Multimedia Conference, Online (Seattle, USA), October 2020, (ACM MM) |
7. |
P. Y. Chen, J. W. Hsieh, C. Y. Wang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Recursive Hybrid Fusion Pyramid Network for Real-Time Small Object Detection on Embedded Devices," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW) on ``Low Power Computer Vision'', IEEE, Seattle, USA, June 2020. |
8. |
C. Y. Wang, H. Y. Mark Liao, Y. H. Wu, P. Y. Chen, J. W. Hsieh, and I. H. Yeh, "CSPNet: A New Backbone that can Enhance Learning Capability of CNN," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW) on ``Low power computer vision'', IEEE, Seattle, USA, June 2020. |
9. |
Yueh-Hua Wu, I-Hau Yeh, David Hu, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Batch-Augmented Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Traffic Signal Optimization," arXiv:2005.09624, May 2020. ::: |
10. |
Alexey Bochkovskiy, Chien-Yao Wang, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection," arXiv:2004.10934vl, number arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.10934, April 2020. ::: ::: |
11. |
Jen-Chun Lin, Wen-Li Wei, Tyng-Luh Liu, C.-C. Jay Kuo, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Tell Me Where it is Still Blurry: Adversarial Blurred Region Mining and Refining," 27th ACM Multimedia Conference (long paper), Nice, France, October 2019. |
12. |
C. Y. Wang, H. Y. Mark Liao, P. Y. Chen, and J. W. Hsieh, "Enriching Variety of Layer-wise Learning Information by Gradient Combination," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop(ICCVW) ``Low Power Computer Vision.'', Seoul, South Korea, October 2019. |
13. |
C. Y. Wang, P. Y. Chen, M C. Chen, J. W. Hsieh, and H. Y. Mark LIao, "Real-time Video-based Person Re-identification Surveillance with Light-weight Deep Convolutional Networks," IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), Taipei, Taiwan, September 2019. |
14. |
Wen-Li Wei, Jen-Chun Lin, Yen-Yu Lin, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "What Makes You Look Like You: Learning an Inherent Feature Representation for Person Re-Identification," IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), September 2019. |
15. |
Y. S. Chou, C. Y. Wang, M. C. Chen, S. D. Lin, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "DYNAMIC GALLERY FOR REAL-TIME MULTI-TARGET MULTI-CAMERA TRACKING," IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2019. |
16. |
W. L. Wei, J. C. Lin, Y. Y. Lin, H. Y. Mark Liao, "You Look Like You: Learning an Inherent Feature Representation for Person Re-Identification," IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), Taipei, Taiwan, September 2019. |
17. |
P. Y. Chen, J. W. Hsieh, M. Gochoo, C. Y. Wang, H. Y. Mark Liao, "SMALLER OBJECT DETECTION FOR REAL-TIME EMBEDDED TRAFFIC FLOW ESTIMATION USING FISH-EYE CAMERAS," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2019. |
18. |
Wen-Li Wei, Jen-Chun Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, Hsiao-Rong Tyan, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Seethevoice: Learning from Music to Visual Storytelling of Shots," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 2018. ::: |
19. |
Y. S. Chou, P. H. Hsiao, S. D. Lin, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "How sampling rate affects cross-domain transfer learning for video description," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April 2018. |
20. |
Jen-Chun Lin, Wen-Li Wei, James Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Automatic Music Video Generation Based on Simultaneous Soundtrack Recommendation and Video Editing," ACM Multimedia (MM), October 2017. ::: |
21. |
M. Srinivas, Y. Y. Lin, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Deep Dictionary Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE, September 2017. |
22. |
T.Y. Tsai, Y. Y. Lin, H.Y. Mark Liao, and S. K. Jeng, "Recognizing Offensive Tactics in Broadcast Basketball Videos via Key Player Detection," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE, September 2017. |
23. |
M. Srinivas, Y. Y. Lin, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Learning deep and sparse feature representation for fine-grained recognition," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition, IEEE, July 2017. |
24. |
Wen-Li Wei, Jen-Chun Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, Hsiao-Rong Tyan, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Deep-Net Fusion to Classify Shots in Concert Videos," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2017. ::: |
25. |
T.Y. Tsai, Y. Y. Lin, H.Y. Mark Liao, and S. K. Jeng, "Precise Player Segmentation in Team Sports Videos Using Contrast-Aware Co-segmentation," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE, March 2016. |
26. |
H. K. Chu, C. H. Yeh, Nick C. Tang, H. R. Tyan, Y S. Wang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Motion Manipulation for Characters in Videos," Proc. The 2015 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2015), November 2015. |
27. |
Ching-Hang Chen, Tyng-Luh Liu, Yu-Shuen Wang, Hung-Kuo Chu, Nick C. Tang, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Spatio-Temporal Learning of Basketball Offensive Strategies," 2015 ACM Multimedia Conference, October 2015. |
28. |
S. E. Wei, Nick C. Tang, Y. Y. Lin, M. F. Weng, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Skeleton-Augmented Human Action Understanding by Learning with Progressively Refined Data," ACM International Workshop on Human Centered Event Understanding from Multimedia (HuEvent), November 2014. |
29. |
Nick C. Tang, Yen-Yu Lin, Ju-Hsuan Hua, Ming-Fang Weng, H. Y. Mark Liao, "Human Action Recognition using Associated Depth and Skeleton Information," Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE, Florence, Italy, May 2014. |
30. |
Y. Y. Chen, Tao Chen, Winston H. Hsu, H. Y. Mark Liao, and Shih-Fu Chang, "Predicting Viewer Affective Comments Based on Image Content in Social Media," ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, April 2014. |
31. |
Yao-Chuan Chang, Yen-Yu Lin, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Multi-view Face Detection in Videos with Online Adaptation," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, September 2013. |
32. |
C. Y. Hsu, L. W. Kang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Cross-Camera Vehicle Tracking via Affine Invariant Object Matching for Video Forensics Applications," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, IEEE, July 2013. |
33. |
Y. Y. Chen, Winston H. Hsu, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Discovering Informative Social Subgraphs and Predicting Pairwise Relationships from Group Photos," 20th ACM Multimedia Conference (long paper), October 2012. ::: |
34. |
M. F. Weng, Y. Y. Lin, Nick C Tang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Visual Knowledge Transfer among Multiple Cameras for People Counting with Occlusion Handling," 20th ACM Multimedia Conference (long paper), October 2012. ::: |
35. |
Chin-An Lin, Yen-Yu Lin, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, "Action Recognition using Instance-specific and Class-consistent Cues," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), IEEE, September 2012. |
36. |
S. W. Sun, W. H. Cheng, Y. L. Hung, Ivy Fan, Chris Liu, Jacqueline Hung, C. K. Lin, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Who's Who in a Sports Video ? An Individual Level Sports Video Indexing System," International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition, July 2012. |
37. |
Nick C Tang, C. T. Hsu, T. Y. Lin, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Example-based Human Motion Extrapolation Based on Manifold Learning," ACM Multimedia Conference, November 2011. |
38. |
Tsung-Yi Lin, Yen-Yu Lin, Ming-Fang Weng, Yu-Chiang Wang, Yu-Feng Hsu, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Cross Camera People Counting with Perspective Estimation and Occlusion Handling," IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), November 2011. |
39. |
A-J Cheng, Y-Y Chen, Y-T Huang, Winston H. Hsu and H-Y Mark Liao, "Personalized Travel Recommendation by Mining People Attributes from Community-Contributed Photos," ACM Multimedia, ACM Multimedia, November 2011. ::: |
40. |
A. J. Cheng, Y. Y. Chen, Y. T. Huang, Winston H. Hsu and H. Y. Mark, "Personalized Travel Recommendation by Mining People Attributes," 19th ACM Multimedia Conference (long paper), pages 83-92, November 2011. |
41. |
Y. C. Zeng, F. Huang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Compression and Protection of JPEG Images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Brussels, Belgium, September 2011. |
42. |
S. W. Sun, Y. C. Frank Wang, Y. L. Hung, C. L. Chang, K. C. Chen, S. S. Cheng, H. M. Wang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Automatic Annotation of Web Videos," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011. |
43. |
Yan-Ying Chen, Winston H. Hsu, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Learning Facial Attributes by Crowdsourcing from Social Media," 20th International World Wide Web Conference, India, March 2011. |
44. |
Nick C Tang, H. R. Tyan, C. T. Hsu, and H. Y. Mark Liao, "Narrative Generation by Repurposing Digital Videos," 17th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume LNCS 6523, Springer, pages 503-513, January 2011. |
45. |
Pei-Lun Hsieh, Yu-Ming Liang, and H. -Y. Mark Liao, "Recognition of Blurred License Plate Images," 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Signal Processing Society, December 2010. |
46. |
Yu-Chun Lai, Yu-Ming Liang, Sheng-Wen Shih, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and Cheng-Chung Lin, "Linear Production Game Solution to a PTZ Camera Network," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, September 2010. |
47. |
Chih-Hung Ling, Yu-Ming Liang, Chia-Wen Lin, Yong-Sheng Chen, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Video Object Inpainting using Manifold-based Action Prediction," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, September 2010. |
48. |
C.-W. Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, Y.-M. Liang, and H.-R. Tyan, "An RST-Tolerant Shape Descriptor for Object Detection," Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010. |
49. |
S.-W. Sun, F. Huang, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Data-Driven Foreground Object Detection from a Non-Stationary Camera," Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010. |
50. |
C. H. Ling, C. W. Lin, C. W. Su, H. Y. Mark Liao, and Y. S. Chen, "Video Object Inpainting Using Posture Mapping," International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, November 2009. |
51. |
Nick C. Tang, H.-Y. Zhong, J. C. Tsai, T. K. Shih, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Motion Inpainting and Extrapolation for Special Effect Production," ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Peijing, China, October 2009. |
52. |
C.-C. Wang, Y.-C. Su, C.-T. Hsu, C.-W Lin and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Bayesian Age Estimation on Face Images," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, New York, June 2009. |
53. |
C.-C Hsu, C.-W. Lin, C.-T. Hsu, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Cooperative Face Hallucination Using Multiple Priors," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, New York, June 2009. |
54. |
D.-Y. Chen, C.-W. Su, Y.-C. Zeng, S.-W Sun, W.-R. Lai,and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "An Online Boosted People Counting System for Electronic Advertising Machines," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, New York, June 2009. |
55. |
Y. M. Liang, S. W. Shih, A. C. C. Shih, H. Y. Mark Liao, and C. C. Lin, "Unsupervised Analysis of Human Behavior Based on Manifold Learning," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2009. |
56. |
C. W. Su, H. Y. Mark Liao, and H. R. Tyan, "A Vision-based People Counting Approach Based on the Symmetry Measure," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2009. |
57. |
Y. C. Lai, H. Y. Mark Liao, C. C. Lin, J. R. Chen, and Y. F. Peter Luo, "A Local Feature-Based Human Motion Recognition Framework," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2009. |
58. |
Nick C. Tang, Timothy K. Shih, H-Y. Mark Liao, Joseph C. Tsai, and H.-Y Zhong, "Motion Extrapolation for Video Story Planning," ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 2008. |
59. |
J.-S. Chang, Arthur C-C Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and W.-H. Fang, "3-D Mesh Representation and Retrieval Using Isomap Manifold," IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, October 2008. |
60. |
H.-F Kao, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Using Dynamic Programming to Segment Star Shape Based on Human Perception and Optimization Formulation," IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Processing, Cairns Queensland, Australia, October 2008. |
61. |
D.-Y. Chen, H.-R. Tyan, D.-Y. Hsiao, S.-W. Shih, and Liao, H.-Y.M., "DYNAMIC VISUAL SALIENCY MODELING BASED ON SPATIOTEMPORAL ANALYSIS," Proc. International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition, Germany, June 2008. |
62. |
D.-Y. Chen, Kevin Cannons, H.-R. Tyan, S.-W. Shih, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "A Framework of Spatio-Temporal Analysis for Video Surveillance," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, special session for Video Surveillance, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 2008. |
63. |
Y-C Zeng, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Video Enhancement Based On Saturation Adjustment And Contrast Enhancement," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 2008. |
64. |
D.-Y. Hsiao, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Target Region-Aware Tone Reproduction," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 2008. |
65. |
D.-Y. Hsiao, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Smart Tone Reproduction," IEEE Int'l Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SP, Las Vegas, USA, March 2008. |
66. |
Nick C. Tang, T. K. Shih, H.Y. Mark Liao, J. C. Tsai, and H.Y. Zhong, "Motion Extrapolation for Video Story Planning," ACM International Conference on Multimedia, ACM, 2008. |
67. |
Y.-C. Lai, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Segmentation of Human Body Parts in Video Frames Based on Intrinsic Distance," Proc. IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, City University of Hong Kong, December 2007. |
68. |
Y.-M. Liang, S.-W. Shih, A. C.-C. Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and C.-C. Lin, "A Language Modeling Approach to Atomic Human Action Recognition," IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Chania, Crete, Greece, October 2007. |
69. |
J.-S. Chang, Arthur C.-C. Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, W.-H. Fang, "Principal Component Analysis-based Mesh Decomposition," Proc.IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Chania, Crete, Greece, October 2007. |
70. |
Duan-Yu Chen, Sheng-Wen Shih, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Human Action Recognition Using 2-D Spatio-Temporal Templates," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Beijing, China, July 2007. |
71. |
D.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao,and S.-W. Shih, "Atomic Human Action Segmentation Using a Spatio-Temporal Progagilistic Framework," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, December 2006. |
72. |
Y.-C. Lai and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Human Motion Recognition Using Clay Represention of Trajectories," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,, USA, December 2006. |
73. |
S-W. Shih, A.C.-C. Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and Y.-M. Liang, "Understanding Human Behavior Using a Language Modeling Approach," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, December 2006. |
74. |
D.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Continuous Human Action Segmentation and Recognition Using A Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Framework," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, December 2006. |
75. |
C.-F. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao, P.-C. Hsiu, Y.-S. Lin, C-S. Shih, T.-W.Kuo, and Jane W.-S. Liu, "Smart Pantries for Homes," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2006. |
76. |
H.Y. Mark Liao, D.Y.Chen C.W. Su, and H.R.Tyan, "Real-time Event Detection and Its Application to Surveillance Systems," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kos, Greece, May 2006. |
77. |
C.-W. Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, K.-C. Fan, C.-W. Lin and H.-R. Tyan, "A Motion-Flow-Based Fast Video Retrieval System," Proc. 7th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, November 2005. |
78. |
Y.-T. Hsu, J.-W. Hsieh, H.-Y. Mark Liao,and H.-F. Kao, "Human Behavior Analysis Using Deformable Triangulations," IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Shanhai, China, November 2005. |
79. |
D. Y. Chen, H. Y. Mark Liao, H. R. Tyan, and C. W. Lin, "Automatic Key Posture Selection for Human Behavior Analysis," IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Shanhai, China, November 2005. |
80. |
J.-S. Chang, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C.-C. Shih, and W.-H. Fang, "Using Normal Vectors for Stereo Correspondence Construction," KES 2005 LNAI 3681, pages pp.582-588, Melbourne, Australia, September 2005. |
81. |
J.-F. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao,and C.-W. Lin, "Fast Video Retrieval via the Statistics of Motion Within the Regions-of-Interest," KES 2005 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 3683, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages pp.381-387, Melbourne, Australia, September 2005. |
82. |
D. Y. Chen, H. Y. Mark Liao, and S. Y. Lee, "Robust Video Retrieval Using Temporal MVMB Moments," KES 2005 LNAI 3683, pages pp.359-365, Melbourne,Australia., September 2005. |
83. |
Y.-H. Ho, C.-W. Lin,J.-F. Chen, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Fast Coarse-to-fine Video Retrieval via Shot-level Statistics,," Proc. Visual Communications and Image Processing, Beijing, China, July 2005, Yu-Hsuan Ho won Young Investigator Award based on this paper |
84. |
Sean Lin, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and J. C. Lin, "A Cognitive Psychology-based approach for 3-D Shape Retrieval," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2005. |
85. |
J.-F. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao and C. W. Lin, "Fast Video Retrieval via the Statistics of Motion," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, March 2005. |
86. |
C.-Y. Chen, K.-Y. Cheng,and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "A Sharpness Dependent Approach to 3D Polygon Mesh Hole Filling," European Graphics Conference, pages pp.13-16, 2005. |
87. |
Y.-M. Liang, C.-C. Shih, H.-R. Tyan,and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Background Modeling Using phase Space for Day and Night Video Surveillance Systems," 5th IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Tokyo, Japan, December 2004. |
88. |
Sean Lin, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and J.-C. Lin, "Visual Salience-Guided Mesh Decomposition," Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Siena, Italy, September 2004. |
89. |
W.-L. Hsu, H.-Y. Mark Liao , B.-S. Jeng, and K.-C. Fan, "Real-time Vehicle Tracking on Highway," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 909-914, Shanhai, China, October 2003. |
90. |
C.-R, Pai, H.-Y. Mark Liao, Y.-M. Liang, and S.-W. Chen, "Stabilizing Image Sequences Taken by The Camcorder Mounted on A Moving Vehicle," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 90-95, Shanhai, China, October 2003. |
91. |
H.-Y. Lin, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C.-S. Lu, and J.-C. Lin, "Authentication of 3D Pologonal Meshes," Proc. International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2613, Seoul, Korea, October 2003. |
92. |
W. L. Hsu, H.-Y. Mark Liao, B. S. Jeng, and K. C. Fan, "Traffic Parameter Extraction Using Entropy Measurements," Proc. IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 106-111, Singapore, September 2002. |
93. |
C. W. Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H. R. Tyan, and L. H. Chen, "A Motion-tolerant Dissolve Detection Algorithm," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2002. |
94. |
C. S. Lu, H.-Y. Mark Liao, J. R. Chen, and K. C. Fan, "Real-time MPEG2 Video Watermarking in the VLC Domain," International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Quebec, Canada, August 2002. |
95. |
C.-C. Shih, H.-Y. Mark Liao and H.-R. Tyan, "Shot Change Detection based on the Reynolds Transport Theorem," Proc. Second IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, pages 819-824, Beijing, China, October 2001, LNCS 2195 |
96. |
C.-S Lu and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Digital Watermarking: A Communications with Side Information Perspective," Proc. Second IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, pages 927-932, Beijing, China, October 2001, LNCS 2195 |
97. |
L.-F. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao, J.-C. Chen, "Personal Identification based on Optical Flow Estimation," International Conference on Image Processing, volume 1, pages 677-680, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001. |
98. |
C.-S. Lu and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Video Object-based Watermarking: A Rotation and Flipping Resilient Scheme," International Conference on Image Processing, pages 483-486, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001. |
99. |
C.-S Lu and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "An oblivious and robust watermarking scheme using communications-with-side-information mechanism," Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Las Vegas, 2001, Invited Paper |
100. |
L. H. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao and J. R. Chen, "Object Segmentation for Video Coding," International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Spain, September 2000. |
101. |
C.-J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao,and C.-S. Lu, "Dyadic wavelet-based nonlinear conduction equation: theory and application," International Conference on Image Processing, volume 1, pages 880-883, Vancouver, Canada, September 2000. |
102. |
C.-S Lu and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Oblivious cocktail watermarking by sparse code shrinkage: a regional- and global-based scheme," International Conference on Image Processing, volume 111, pages 13-16, Vancouver, Canada, September 2000. |
103. |
C.-S. Lu, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and C. -J. Sze, "Combined watermarking for image authentication and protection," Proc. International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2000, volume 111, pages 1415-1418, New York City, USA, July 2000. |
104. |
C.-S Lu and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Oblivious Watermarking using generalized gaussian," Proc. 5th Joint Conf. on Information Sciences, pages 260-263, Atlantic City, March 2000. |
105. |
C.-J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, S.-K. Huang, and C.-S. Lu, "Shape-based retrieval on a fish database of Taiwan," Proc. 4th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, pages 370-375, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2000, Invited Paper |
106. |
C.-S. Lu, H.-Y. Mark Liao, Y. -F. Chen, and C.-S. Fuh, "Complementary watermarks hiding for robust protection of images using DCT," Proc. International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems, pages 293-298, Guangzhou, China, November 1999, Invited Paper |
107. |
C.-S. Lu, H.-Y. Mark Liao, S.-K. Huang, and C.-J. Sze, "Highly robust image watermarking using complementary modulations," 2nd Information Security Workshop, volume 1729, pages 136-153, Malaysia, November 1999, Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
108. |
C.-J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, S.-K. Huang, and C.-S. Lu, "Selective image smoothing via dyadic wavelet-based conduction equation," Proc. 1999 IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Wisconsin, August 1999. |
109. |
P.-S. Deng, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H.-R. Tyan, and C.-W. Ho, "Statistics-based off-line handwritten signature verification," Proc. Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, New Delhi, December 1998. |
110. |
C. J. Sze, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and K. C. Fan, "Selective image smoothing based on an image flux conduction model," Proc. 1998 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, pages 537-546, Taipei, August 1998, best paper award |
111. |
C. C. Han, H.-Y. Mark Liao, G. J. Yu, H. R. Tyan, M. C. Chen, and L. H. Chen, "Face recognition using a face-only database: a new approach," Proc. 3rd Asian Conference on Computer Vision, volume 1352, pages 742-749, Hong Kong, January 1998, Lecture Notes in Computer Science series |
112. |
C. C. Han, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and G. J. Yu, "Face + hair + shoulders + background <> face," Proc. Workshop on 3D Computer Vision '97, Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 1997, invited paper |
113. |
J. S. Lu, H.-Y. Mark Liao, W. L. Hwang, P. J. Chung, "Shape from texture based on the ridge of continuous wavelet transform," International Conference on Image Processing, pages 295--298, Switzerland, September 1996. |
114. |
J. W. Hsieh, H.-Y. Mark Liao, K. C. Fan, and M. T. Ko, "A fast algorithm for image registration without predetermining correspondences," International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 765--769, Vienna, Austria, August 1996. |
115. |
L. H. Chen, H.-Y. Mark Liao, J. Y. Wang, K. C. Fan, and C. C. Hsieh, "An interpretation system for cadastral maps," International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 711--715, Vienna, Austria, August 1996. |
116. |
H. L. Hung, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C. J. Sze, S. J. Lin, W. C. Lin, and K. C. Fan, "CFART: a multi-resolutional adaptive reasonance system," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, pages 1312--1317, Washington DC, June 1996. |
117. |
H. L. Hung, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C. J. Sze, S. J. Lin, W. C. Lin, and K. C. Fan, "A new fuzzy linear mapping technique for facial feature extraction," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, pages 1179--1184, Washington DC, June 1996. |
118. |
H. L. Hung, H.-Y. Mark Liao, S. J. Lin, W. C. Lin, and K. C. Fan, "Cascade fuzzy ART: a new extensible database for model-based object recognition," Proc. SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, Orlando, Florida, March 1996. |
119. |
Edward H. L. Hung, and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Cascade fuzzy adaptive Hamming net: an extensible database for object recognition," Proc. Third International Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, December 1995. |
120. |
S. H. Su, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H. R. Tyan, and Eric Tsao, "DNA sequence analysis using fuzzy neural network," Proc. International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pages 543--548, Seoul, Korea, October 1994. |
121. |
Y. J. Chang, H.-Y. Mark Liao, and H. R. Tyan, "Texture classification using c-matrix and fuzzy min-max neural networks," Proc. SPIE's Symposium on Visual Communication and Image Processing, pages 809-818, Chicago, September 1994. |
122. |
Eric Tsao and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Fuzzy Kohonen clustering networks for reducing search space in 3-D object recognition," Proc. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Amsterdam, September 1993. |
123. |
J. W. Hsieh, H.-Y. Mark Liao, H. R. Tyan, and K. C. Fan, "A Markov random field based texture classification using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm," Proc. First Fuzzy Theory and Application Workshop, pages 157-164, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, June 1993. |
124. |
L. H. Chen and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Stereo correspondence by surface segmentation," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pages 593--598, Chicago, October 1992. |
125. |
W. C. Lin and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Pose determination in a multiple-view based 3-d object recognition system," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pages 165-- 171, Virginia, October 1991. |
126. |
M. Y. Chern and H.-Y. Mark Liao, "Robot manipulator dynamics computation on a VLSI array processor," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Supercomputing Systems, pages 116-125, St. Petersberg, Florida, December 1985. |
Others | |
1. |
Hsiao-Rong Tyan and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao,, chapter "Video Forensics (Chapter 18)," Multimedia Security: Watermarking, Staganography, and Forensics, Frank Y. Shih, editor, pages 327-340, CRC Press, 2013. |
2. |
"Advances in Multimedia Modeling," K. T. Lee, W. H. Tsai, H. Y. Mark Liao, T. Chen, J. W. Hsieh and and C. C. Tseng, editors, volume LNCS 6523, number Part 1 & 2, Springer, January 2011. |
3. |
"Advances in Multimedia Information Processing -- PCM 2009," P. Muneesawang, Feng Wu, I. Kumazawa, A. Roeksabutr, Mark Liao and and Xiaoou Tang, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, volume LNCS 5879, Springer, 2009. |
4. |
H. Y. M. Liao, D. Y. Chen, C. W. Su, and H. R. Tyan,, chapter "Intelligent Video Event Detection for Surveillance Systems," Intelligent Multimedia Data Hiding, J. S. Pan, W. C. Fang, H. C. Huang and and L. C. Jain, editors, pages 233-259, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2006. |
5. |
Chun-Shien Lu, Jan-Ru Chen, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and Kuo-Chin Fan, "Watermarking on Compressed/Uncompressed Video Using Communications with Side Information Mechanism," Timothy K. Shih (Eds.), editor, Idea Group Publishing, 2002, Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Applications, Chap. 11, pp. 173-189 |
6. |
"Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2001," Harry Shum, Mark Liao and and Shih-Fu Chang, editors, volume Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2195, Springer, 2001. |
7. |
Chun-Shien Lu, Shih-Kun Huang, Chwen-Jye Sze, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "A New Watermarking Technique for Multimedia Protection," L. Guan, S. Y. Kung and and J. Larsen (Eds.), editors, CRC Press, 2001, Multimedia Image and Video Processing, Chap. 18, pp. 507-530 |