Publications |
Journal Articles | |
1. |
Chih-En Kuo, Yue-Li Wang, Jia-Jie Liu, Ming-Tat Ko, "Resequencing a Set of Strings Based on a Target String," Algorithmica, volume 72, number 2, pages 430─449, June 2015. |
2. |
Maw-Shang Chang, Ming-Tat Ko, Hsueh-I Lu, "Linear -Time Algorithms for Tree Root Problems," Algorithmica, volume 71, number 2, pages 471-495, February 2015. |
3. |
Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang, An-Hang Chen, and Ming-Tat Ko, "Ranking and Unranking of Non-regular Trees in Gray-code Order," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, volume E96A, number 6, pages 1059 – 1065, June 2013. |
4. |
Chia-Hao Chin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chun-Yu Chen, Chao. A Hsiung, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Chung-Yen Lin, "Spotlight: Assembly of Protein Complexes by Integrating Graph Clustering Methods," Gene, volume 518, number 1, pages 42-51, April 2013, Collaboration with scientists in NHRI and NCU (IF: 2.08, http://hub.iis.sinica.edu.tw/spotlight,) |
5. |
Yue-Li Wang, Cheng-Ju Hsu, Jia-Jie Liu, Ming-Tat Ko, Fu-Hsing Wang, "A New Subclass of Integer Linear Programming Problems and Its Applications," IEEE Transactions on Computers, volume 61, number 12, pages 1813 - 1822, December 2012. |
6. |
Chia-Hao Chin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Chung-Yen Lin, "A hub-attachment based method to detect functional modules from confidence-scored protein interactions and expression profiles," BMC Bioinformatics, volume 11, number S1, pages S25, January 2010, http://hub.iis.sinica.edu.tw/Hunter |
7. |
Chung-Yen Lin, Chia-Hao Chin, Hsin-Hung Wu, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, "Hubba: Hub Objects Analyzer : A Framework of Interactome Hubs Identification for Network Biology," Nucleic Acids Research, volume volume 36, number 2008 Web application Issue, pages W438-W443, July 2008. |
8. |
Hsin-Hung Chou, Ming-Tat Ko, Chin-Wen Ho, and Gen-Huey Chen, "Node- Searching Problem on Block Graphs," Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 156, number 1, pages 55-75, January 2008. |
9. |
Yung-Hao Wong, Tzong-Yi Lee, Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ting-Yuan Wang, Yi-Huan Yang, Chia-Huei Chu, Hsien-Da Huang, Ming-Tat Ko and Jenn-Kang Hwang, "KinasePhos 2.0: a web server for identifying protein kinase-specific phosphorylation sites based on sequences and coupling patterns," Nucleic Acids Research, volume 35, number 1, pages W588-594, July 2007. |
10. |
Jeng Farn Lee, Meng Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Wanjiun Liao, "Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms for Weighted Maximum Rate Constrained Link Sharing Policy," Information Processing Letters, volume 97, number 6, pages 238-243, March 2006. |
11. |
Sun-yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, and Ming-Tat Ko, "The Hamiltonian Problem on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 154, number 3, pages 508--524, 2006. |
12. |
Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ming-Tat Ko, Jenn-Kang Hwang, "Amino acid-coupling patterns in thermophilic proteins," Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, volume 59, number 1, pages 58-63, April 2005. |
13. |
Chen-hsiung Chan, Han-Kuen Liang, Ming-Tat Ko, Ping-Chiang Lyu, Jenn-Kang Hwang, "Relationship between local structural entropy and protein thermostabilty," Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, volume 157, number 4, pages 684-691, December 2004. |
14. |
Shir-Ly Huang, Li-Cheng Wu, Han-Kuen Liang, Kuan-Ting Pan1, Jorng-Tzong Horng and Ming-Tat Ko, "PGTdb: a database providing growth temperatures of prokaryotes," Bioinformatics, volume 20, number 2, pages 276-278, January 2004, 國外 |
15. |
Shir-Ly Huang,1 Li-Cheng Wu,2 Hsien-Da Huang,3 Han-Kuen Liang,4 Ming-Tat Ko,4 and Jorng-Tzong Horng, "A probabilistic method to correlate ion pairs with protein thermostability," Applied Bioinformatics, volume 3, number 1, pages 21-29, January 2004, 國外 |
16. |
Jou-Ming Chang, Chin-Wen Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Power of Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs with Applications," Ars Combinatoria, volume 67, pages 161-173, January 2003, SCI |
17. |
Yen-Liang Chen, Mei-Ching Chiang, Ming-Tat Ko, "Discovering time-interval sequential patterns in sequence databases," Expert Systems with Applications, volume 25, pages 343-354, 2003. |
18. |
Chin Lung Lu, Ming-Tat Ko, Chuan Yi Tang, "Perfect edge domination and efficient edge domination in graphs," Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 119, number 3, pages 227-250, July 2002. |
19. |
Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ming-Tat Ko, "Characterization of Efficiently Solvable Problems on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, volume 15, number 4, pages 488–518, January 2002. |
20. |
Ming-Shing Su, Ming-Tat Ko, and Kuo-Young Cheng, "Control of FeaturePoint-Driven Facial Animation Using a Hypothetical Face," Computer Graphics Forum, volume 20, number 4, pages 179-188, January 2001. |
21. |
Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Jan-Ming Ho, "Online Traffic Smoothing for Delivery of Variable Bit Rate Media Streams," Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing, volume 20, number 3, pages 341-359, January 2001. |
22. |
Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Jan-Ming Ho, "Bandwidth-Buffer Tradeoff for Delivery of Pre-Recorded Videos over Multiple Smoothing-Servers," Applied Systems Studies, volume 2, number 3, January 2001. |
23. |
S. L. Peng, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Chuan-Yi Tang, "Node and Edge Searching Problems on Trees," Theoretic Computer Science, volume 240, number 2, pages 429-446, June 2000. |
24. |
Sheng-Lung Peng, Ming-Tat Ko, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu and Chuan-Yi Tang, "Graph Searching on Some Subclasses of Chordal Graphs," Algorithmica, volume 27, pages 395-426, January 2000. |
25. |
Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "A Faster Implementation of a Parallel Tree Contraction Scheme and Its Applications on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," Journal of Algorithms, volume 35, pages 50-81, January 2000. |
26. |
Li-Fen Chen, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko, Ja-Chen Lin and Gwo-Jong Yu, "A New LDA-based Face Recognition System Which Can Solve the Small Sample Size Problem," Pattern Recognition, volume 33, pages 1713-1726, January 2000. |
27. |
Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Yueh-Ming Huang, "Data Allocation and Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed Video Storage Server," Visual Communication and Image Representation, volume 10, number 2, pages 197-218, June 1999. |
28. |
Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Shie-Yuan Wang, "A SCSI Disk Model for Video Playback," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, volume 14, number 3, pages 147-154, May 1999. |
29. |
Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "Efficient Parallel Algorithms on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," Parallel Processing Letters, volume 9, number 1, pages 43-52, January 1999. |
30. |
Jen-Duo Liu, Ming-Tat Ko and Ruei-Chuan Chang, "A Simple Self-Collision Avoidance for Cloth Animation," Computers & Graphics, volume 22, number 1, pages 117-128, January 1998. |
31. |
De-jen Lu, Yu-Chung Wang, Jan-Ming Ho, Meng-Chang Chen and Ming-Tat Ko, "Experience in Designing a Using TCP as Transport Protocol VOD System over a Dedicated Network," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, volume 44, number 4, pages 1379-1388, 1998. |
32. |
J. W. Hsieh, H. Y. Mark Liao, K. C. Fan, Ming-Tat Ko and Y. P. Hung, "Image Registration Using a New Edge-based Approach," CVGIP: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, volume 67, number 2, pages 112-130, August 1997. |
33. |
Jun-Wei Hsieh, Ming-Tat Ko, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao and Kuo-Chin Fan, "A New Wavelet-Based Edge Detection Via Constrained Optimization," Image and Vision Computing, volume 15, number 7, pages 511-527, July 1997. |
34. |
Jen-Duo Liu, Ming-Tat Ko and Ruei-Chuan Chang, "The Collision Avoidance of Cloth Animation," The Visual Computer, volume 12, number 5, pages 234-243, January 1996. |
35. |
M. H. Lee, C. H. Chang, M. C. Chen, J. M. Ho, M. T. Ko, Y. J. Oyang, K. H. Tsai and S. Y. Wang, "Design and Implementation of a Predictable High-Throughput Video Conference Recorder," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, volume 42, number 1, pages 63-70, 1996, A preliminary version also appears in Proceedings 1995 International Workshop on HDTV and the Evolution of Television. |
36. |
Jun-Wei Hsieh, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko and Kuo-Chin Fan, "Wavelet-Based Shape from Shading," Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: Graphical Models and Image Processing, volume 57, number 4, pages 343-362, July 1995. |
37. |
Bor-Lian Chen, Hung-Lin Fu and M. T. Ko, "Total Chromatic Number and Chromatic Index of Split Graphs," Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, volume 17, pages 137-146, January 1995. |
38. |
W. B. Liu, M. T. Ko and R. C. Chang, "Interactive Approach to Planning Snake Motion," Computers & Graphics, volume 18, number 4, pages 537-542, January 1994. |
39. |
W. B. Liu, M. T. Ko and R. C. Chang, "Sequential-Goal Constraints for Computer Graphics," Visualization and Computer Animation, volume 4, number 3, pages 153-164, January 1993. |
40. |
M. T. Ko and Y. T. Ching, "Linear Time Algorithms for the Weighted Tailored 2-Partition Problem and Weighted 2-Center Problem Under -Distance," Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 40, pages 397-410, January 1992. |
41. |
M. T. Ko, R. C. T. Lee and J. S. Chang, "Rectilinear m-Center Problem," Naval Research Logistics, volume 37, pages 419-427, January 1990. |
42. |
M. T. Ko, R. C. T. Lee and J. S. Chang, "An Optimal Approximation Algorithm for the Rectilinear m-Center Problem," Algorithmica, volume 5, pages 341-352, January 1990. |
Conference Papers | |
1. |
Yi-Lu Guo, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, "The Longest Path Problem on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," International Computer Symposium ICS 2012 Held at Hualien, Taiwan, December 12–14, 2012, volume 20, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pages 69-77, December 2012. |
2. |
Ming-Tat Ko, Renyuan Lyu, Yuang-chin Chiang, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, "Development of a Taiwanese Speech and Text Corpus," Oriental COCOSDA, Macau, China, December 2012. |
3. |
Chia-Hao Chin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chun-Yu Chen, Chao A. Hsiung, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Chung-Yan Lin, "Spotlight: Assembly of Protein Complexes by Integrating Graph Clustering Methods," International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, July 2012. |
4. |
Dau-Cheng Lyu, Ren-Yuan Lyu and Ming-Tat Ko, "Acoustic Modeling Using An Extended Phone Set Considering Cross-Lingual Pronunciation Variations," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Cancun, Mexico, 2009. |
5. |
Maw-Shang Chang, Ming-Tat Ko, "On 3-Steiner Root Problem," Workshop on Graph Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, June 2007. |
6. |
Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ming-Tat Ko and Jen-Kang Hwang, "A web-based tool for protein thermostability," Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference,, Stanford University, California, USA, August 2006. |
7. |
Maw-Shang Chang and Ming-Tat Ko and Hsueh-I Lu, "Linear Time Algorithms for Tree Root Problems," Proceedings of 10th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4059, Spring Verlag, pages 409-420, 2006. |
8. |
Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Jen-Kang Hwang and Ming-Tat Ko, "The amino acid-coupling patterns in thermophilic proteins," Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, pages p92, Fairmont Orchid Big island of Hawaii, Hawaii USA, January 2005. |
9. |
Y. L. Chen, Hung-Pin Kao, and Ming-Tat Ko, "Mining DAG patterns from DAG databases," Web-Age Information Management: 5th International Conference(WAIM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3129, volume 3129, pages 579-588, Dalian, China, January 2004, 國外 |
10. |
Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Jen-Kang Hwang and Ming-Tat Ko, "The Amino Acid-Coupling Sequence Patterns for Thermophilic and Mesophilic Proteomes," International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks, Hong Kong, January 2004, 國外 |
11. |
Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, "Efficient Algorithms for the Hamiltonian Problem on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," proceedings of International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics(COCOON), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2387, pages 77-86, Singapore, August 2002. |
12. |
L.C. Wu, H.D. Huang, H.K. Liang, S.L. Huang, M.T. Ko, J.T. Horng, "A probabilistic Method to Correlate Ion-pairs to Protein Thermostability," Proc. of the 2002 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Science, CSREA Press, pages 351-357, Las Vegas, Nevada,USA., 2002. |
13. |
Ming-Shing Su, Ming-Tat Ko, Kuo-Young Cheng and Chun-Yen Chen, "Design of an MPEG4-Based Text-Driven 3D Facial Animation System," International Computer Symposium, December 2000. |
14. |
Ming-Shing Su, Ming-Tat Ko, and Kuo-Young Cheng, "Control of FeaturePoint-Driven Facial Animation Using a Hypothetical Face(preliminary version)," Proceedings of Pacific Graphics, pages 359-368, Hong-Kong, October 2000. |
15. |
Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Jan-Ming Ho, "Bandwidth-Buffer Tradeoff for Delivery of Pre-Recorded Videos over Multiple Smoothing-Servers(preliminary version)," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS’99), June 1999. |
16. |
Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Jan-Ming Ho, "An effective and efficient traffic-smoothing scheme for delivery of online VBR media streams," Annual Joint Conference IEEE Computer & Communication Society, INFOCOM, pages 447-454, March 1999. |
17. |
Jou-Ming Chang, Chin-Wen Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "LexBFS-ordering in Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs," ISAAC, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1741, pages 163-172, January 1999. |
18. |
Chin-Fu Ku, Hung-Yu Ko, Jeng-Wei Lin, Yu-Chun Pan, Jan-Ming Ho, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko, and James S. J. Chen, "Transporting H.320 video conference traffic to the Internet," SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng, December 1998. |
19. |
Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "Characterization of Efficiently Computable Problems on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," 9th International Symposium of Algorithms and Computation(ISAAC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1533, pages 257-266, Taejon, Korea, December 1998. |
20. |
Tsao, Shiao-Li, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Data Striping Scheme of VBR Video on Zoned Disk Array," SPIE Multimedia Storage and Achiving Systems III, Boston, November 1998. |
21. |
S. L. Peng, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Chuan-Yi Tang, "A Linear-time Algorithm for Constructing an Optimal Node-Search Strategy of a Tree," Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1449, pages 279-288, Taipei, Taiwan, August 1998. |
22. |
Lin, S.-H., C.-S. Shih, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, and Y.-M. Huang, "ACIRD: An intelligent Internet information system based on data mining," In SIGMOD-DMKD98 Workshop, Seattle, USA, June 1998. |
23. |
Iap, Sin-Yuan, Hung-Yu Kao, Chin-Fu Ku, Yau-Tsung Lee, Shian-Hua Lin, Yu-Chung Pan, Chi-Sheng Shih, Chia-Hui Wang, Yu-Chung Wang, Meng-Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, and Ming-Tat Ko, "ASIS MDL: A prototype electronic content service," In IEEE Workshop on Dependable and Real-Time E-Commerce Systems (DARE'98), Denver, USA, June 1998. |
24. |
Ray-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Characterize the Minimum Required Resources for Admission Control of Pre-Recorded VBR Video Transmission by an O(nlogn) Algorithm," ICCCN, pages 674-681, January 1998. |
25. |
Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "A Simple Parallel Tree Contraction Scheme and Its Applications on Distance-Hereditary Graphs(preliminary version)," Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR’98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1457, pages 298-309, Berkeley, California, USA, January 1998. |
26. |
Shian-Hua Lin, Chi-Sheng Shih, Meng Chang Chen, Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Yueh-Ming Huang, "Extracting Classification Knowledge of Internet Document: A Semantics Approach," SIGIR, January 1998. |
27. |
Li-Fen Chen, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko, Ja-Chen Lin and Gwo-Jong Yu, "A New LDA-based Face Recognition System Which Can Solve the Small Sample Size Problem(preliminary version)," Proceedings of CVPRIP, January 1998. |
28. |
Yu-Chung Wang, Shiao-Li Tsao, Ray-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "A Fast Data Placement Scheme for Video Server with Zoned-Disks," SPIE Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems II, Dallas, November 1997. |
29. |
Ray-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "On the Optimizations of Stored VBR Video Transmission on a Rate Bounded Channel," SPIE Performance and Control of Network Systems, Dallas, November 1997. |
30. |
Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Dynamic Load Adjustment on Distributed Video Server System," SPIE Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems II, Dallas, November 1997. |
31. |
S. L. Peng, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Chuan-Yi Tang, "Node and Edge Searching Problems on Trees(preliminary version)," Annual Int'l Computing and Combinatorics Conf, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1276, pages 284-293, Shanghai, China, August 1997. |
32. |
Yu-Chung Wang, Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "File Layout Design of VBR Video on Zoned-Disks," Second International Workshop on Real-Time Database, Burlington, VT, January 1997. |
33. |
Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "Efficient Parallel Algorithms on Distance-Hereditary Graphs(preliminary version)," International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP97), pages 20-23, January 1997. |
34. |
M. H. Lee, M. C. Chen, J. M. Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Disk Layout of Near Video-on-Demand System," Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1997. |
35. |
Yu-Chung Wang, Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "ASIS VOD System: Zoned-Disk Storage Server," Third Workshop on Real-Time And Media Systems, pages 359-366, 1997. |
36. |
J. H. Fan, H. R. Tyan, D. J. Lu, J. M. Ho, M. C. Chen and M. T. Ko, "Implementation of WWW-based Video-on-Demand Client," Third Workshop on Real-Time And Media Systems, pages 277-286, 1997. |
37. |
Jun-Wei Hsieh, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Kuo-Chin Fan, and Ming-Tat Ko, "A Fast Algorithm for Image Registration without Predetermining Correspondences," International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vienna, Austria, August 1996. |
38. |
S. G. Iap, J. M. Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and M. C. Chen, "Web Site Management: An Application on Taiwan Study over the Internet," Distributed System Technology, May 1996. |
39. |
Mei-Wen Li, Chin-Fu Ku, Yu-Chun Pan, Chia-Hui Wang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Real-time Distributed Clock Synchronization over Ethernet," RAMS, pages 19-26, January 1996. |
40. |
Meng-Huang Lee, Meng-Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, and Yen-Jen Oyang, "Designing a Read/Write Multimedia On Demand File Server," Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, January 1996. |
41. |
Chih-Yuan Cheng, Chang-Hsiang Liu, Chuan-Li Wang, Yen-Jen Oyang, Jan-Ming Ho, Meng Chang Chen and Ming-Tat Ko, "Design of an MPEG-2 Video-on-Demand Server," RAMS, pages 327-334, January 1996. |
42. |
Sheng-Lung Peng, Ming-Tat Ko, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu and Chuan-Yi Tang, "Graph Searching on Subclasses of Chordal Graphs(preliminary version)," Int'l Symp on Algorithms and Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1178, pages 156-165, Osaka, Japan, January 1996. |
43. |
Der-Jen Lu, Yu-Chong Wang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Meng Chang Chen, "Experiences on Developing PC-Based VOD Servers," RAMS, pages 351-356, January 1996. |
44. |
Kuo-Hui Tsai, D. W. Wang, Ming-Tat Ko and C. H. Chang, "Point Location Problem and its Application to Synchronous Ethernet," the 14th IASTED Conference of Applied Informatics, pages 19-22, January 1996. |
45. |
Richard Chiang, Yen-Jen Oyang, Yu-Chong Wang, Der-Jen Lu, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Support for Interactive Operations of a Video-on-Demand System," RAMS, pages 341-349, January 1996. |
46. |
Jun-Wei Hsieh, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Kuo-Chin Fan, Ming-Tat Ko and Yi-Ping Hong, "A New Edge-Based Approach for Image Registration," Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Singapore, December 1995. |
47. |
Meng-Huang Lee, Chia-Hsiang Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Yen-Jen OYang and Kuo-Hui Tsai, "A Predictable High-Throughput File System for Video Conferencing," IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernatics, Vancouver, Canada, October 1995. |
48. |
Meng-Huang Lee, Chia-Hsiang Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Yen-Jen OYang and Kuo-Hui Tsai, "Continuous Media Recording for Video Conferencing," IEEE International Conference on Networks and International Conference on Information Engineering, Singapore, July 1995. |
49. |
Bor-Liang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Ko-Wei Lih, "Equitable and m-Bounded Coloring of Split Graphs," 8th Franco-Japanese and 4th Franco-Chinese Conference: Combinatorics and Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1120, pages 1-5, July 1995. |
50. |
Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Shie-Yuan Wang, "A SCSI Disk Model for Video Playback(preliminary version)," Proceedings of the First Workshop on Real-Time and Media Systems, pages 215-222., Taipei, Taiwan, July 1995 |
51. |
C. H. Chang, M. C. Chen, J. M. Ho, M. T. Ko, K. H. Tsai, C. F. Wang and D. W. Wang, "ASIS - Academia Sinica Multimedia Interactive System," the First Workshop on Real-Time and Media Systems, pages 151-158, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1995. |
52. |
Chia-Hsiang Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Kuo-Hui Tsai and Da-Wei Wang, "Worst-Case Delay of Nonpreemptive Schedulings," the First Workshop on Real-Time and Media Systems, pages 411-417, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1995. |
53. |
Jun-Wei Hsieh, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko and Kuo-Chin Fan, "Wavelet-Based Shape from Shading(preliminary version )," International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, U. S. A., January 1994. |
54. |
Jan-Ming Ho, M. T. Ko and Ren-Sung Tsay, "A Clock Driver Assignment Algorithm," VLSI CAD 1992, pages 214-227, Sun-Moon Lake, Taiwan, January 1992. |
55. |
Bor-Lian Chen, Hung-Lin Fu and M. T. Ko, "Total Chromatic Number and Chromatic Index of Split Graphs(preliminary version)," 13-th British Combinatorial Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, The United Kingdom, July 1991. |
56. |
Bor-Liang Chen and M. T. Ko, "Total Coloring and Edge Coloring on Chordal Graphs," Combinatorics and Computing, Third Chinese-French Conference, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 1991. |
57. |
M. T. Ko, R. C. T. Lee and J. S. Chang, "Rectilinear m-Center Problem(preliminary version )," Proceedings of National Computer Symposium, pages 325-329, January 1990. |
58. |
M. T. Ko and Y. T. Ching, "Linear Time Algorithms for the Weighted Tailored 2-Partition Problem and Weighted 2-Center Problem Under -Distance(preliminary version )," Proceedings of International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Complexity, pages 75-82, Fukuoka, Japan, January 1989. |
59. |
M. T. Ko and R. C. T. Lee, "On Weighted Rectilinear 2-Center and 3-Center Problems," Proceedings of International Computer Symposium(preliminary version ), pages 753-758., Taipei, Taiwan, January 1988. |
Others | |
1. |
Ray-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko,, chapter "VBR Traffic Shaping for Streaming of Multimedia Transmission," Multimedia Networking: Technology, Management and Applications, Mahbubur Rahman Syed, editor, pages 222-236, Idea-Group Publication, January 2001. |