兼任研究員  |  高明達  
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Journal Articles
1. Chih-En Kuo, Yue-Li Wang, Jia-Jie Liu, Ming-Tat Ko, "Resequencing a Set of Strings Based on a Target String," Algorithmica, volume 72, number 2, pages 430─449, June 2015.
2. Maw-Shang Chang, Ming-Tat Ko, Hsueh-I Lu, "Linear -Time Algorithms for Tree Root Problems," Algorithmica, volume 71, number 2, pages 471-495, February 2015.
3. Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang, An-Hang Chen, and Ming-Tat Ko, "Ranking and Unranking of Non-regular Trees in Gray-code Order," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, volume E96A, number 6, pages 1059 – 1065, June 2013.
4. Chia-Hao Chin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chun-Yu Chen, Chao. A Hsiung, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Chung-Yen Lin, "Spotlight: Assembly of Protein Complexes by Integrating Graph Clustering Methods," Gene, volume 518, number 1, pages 42-51, April 2013, Collaboration with scientists in NHRI and NCU (IF: 2.08, http://hub.iis.sinica.edu.tw/spotlight,)
5. Yue-Li Wang, Cheng-Ju Hsu, Jia-Jie Liu, Ming-Tat Ko, Fu-Hsing Wang, "A New Subclass of Integer Linear Programming Problems and Its Applications," IEEE Transactions on Computers, volume 61, number 12, pages 1813 - 1822, December 2012.
6. Chia-Hao Chin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Chung-Yen Lin, "A hub-attachment based method to detect functional modules from confidence-scored protein interactions and expression profiles," BMC Bioinformatics, volume 11, number S1, pages S25, January 2010, http://hub.iis.sinica.edu.tw/Hunter
7. Chung-Yen Lin, Chia-Hao Chin, Hsin-Hung Wu, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, "Hubba: Hub Objects Analyzer : A Framework of Interactome Hubs Identification for Network Biology," Nucleic Acids Research, volume volume 36, number 2008 Web application Issue, pages W438-W443, July 2008.
8. Hsin-Hung Chou, Ming-Tat Ko, Chin-Wen Ho, and Gen-Huey Chen, "Node- Searching Problem on Block Graphs," Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 156, number 1, pages 55-75, January 2008.
9. Yung-Hao Wong, Tzong-Yi Lee, Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ting-Yuan Wang, Yi-Huan Yang, Chia-Huei Chu, Hsien-Da Huang, Ming-Tat Ko and Jenn-Kang Hwang, "KinasePhos 2.0: a web server for identifying protein kinase-specific phosphorylation sites based on sequences and coupling patterns," Nucleic Acids Research, volume 35, number 1, pages W588-594, July 2007.
10. Jeng Farn Lee, Meng Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Wanjiun Liao, "Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms for Weighted Maximum Rate Constrained Link Sharing Policy," Information Processing Letters, volume 97, number 6, pages 238-243, March 2006.
11. Sun-yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, and Ming-Tat Ko, "The Hamiltonian Problem on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 154, number 3, pages 508--524, 2006.
12. Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ming-Tat Ko, Jenn-Kang Hwang, "Amino acid-coupling patterns in thermophilic proteins," Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, volume 59, number 1, pages 58-63, April 2005.
13. Chen-hsiung Chan, Han-Kuen Liang, Ming-Tat Ko, Ping-Chiang Lyu, Jenn-Kang Hwang, "Relationship between local structural entropy and protein thermostabilty," Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, volume 157, number 4, pages 684-691, December 2004.
14. Shir-Ly Huang, Li-Cheng Wu, Han-Kuen Liang, Kuan-Ting Pan1, Jorng-Tzong Horng and Ming-Tat Ko, "PGTdb: a database providing growth temperatures of prokaryotes," Bioinformatics, volume 20, number 2, pages 276-278, January 2004, 國外
15. Shir-Ly Huang,1 Li-Cheng Wu,2 Hsien-Da Huang,3 Han-Kuen Liang,4 Ming-Tat Ko,4 and Jorng-Tzong Horng, "A probabilistic method to correlate ion pairs with protein thermostability," Applied Bioinformatics, volume 3, number 1, pages 21-29, January 2004, 國外
16. Jou-Ming Chang, Chin-Wen Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Power of Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs with Applications," Ars Combinatoria, volume 67, pages 161-173, January 2003, SCI
17. Yen-Liang Chen, Mei-Ching Chiang, Ming-Tat Ko, "Discovering time-interval sequential patterns in sequence databases," Expert Systems with Applications, volume 25, pages 343-354, 2003.
18. Chin Lung Lu, Ming-Tat Ko, Chuan Yi Tang, "Perfect edge domination and efficient edge domination in graphs," Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 119, number 3, pages 227-250, July 2002.
19. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ming-Tat Ko, "Characterization of Efficiently Solvable Problems on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, volume 15, number 4, pages 488–518, January 2002.
20. Ming-Shing Su, Ming-Tat Ko, and Kuo-Young Cheng, "Control of Feature­­Point-Driven Facial Animation Using a Hypothetical Face," Computer Graphics Forum, volume 20, number 4, pages 179-188, January 2001.
21. Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Jan-Ming Ho, "Online Traffic Smoothing for Delivery of Variable Bit Rate Media Streams," Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing, volume 20, number 3, pages 341-359, January 2001.
22. Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Jan-Ming Ho, "Bandwidth-Buffer Tradeoff for Delivery of Pre-Recorded Videos over Multiple Smoothing-Servers," Applied Systems Studies, volume 2, number 3, January 2001.
23. S. L. Peng, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Chuan-Yi Tang, "Node and Edge Searching Problems on Trees," Theoretic Computer Science, volume 240, number 2, pages 429-446, June 2000.
24. Sheng-Lung Peng, Ming-Tat Ko, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu and Chuan-Yi Tang, "Graph Searching on Some Subclasses of Chordal Graphs," Algorithmica, volume 27, pages 395-426, January 2000.
25. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "A Faster Implementation of a Parallel Tree Contraction Scheme and Its Applications on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," Journal of Algorithms, volume 35, pages 50-81, January 2000.
26. Li-Fen Chen, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko, Ja-Chen Lin and Gwo-Jong Yu, "A New LDA-based Face Recognition System Which Can Solve the Small Sample Size Problem," Pattern Recognition, volume 33, pages 1713-1726, January 2000.
27. Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Yueh-Ming Huang, "Data Allocation and Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed Video Storage Server," Visual Communication and Image Representation, volume 10, number 2, pages 197-218, June 1999.
28. Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Shie-Yuan Wang, "A SCSI Disk Model for Video Playback," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, volume 14, number 3, pages 147-154, May 1999.
29. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "Efficient Parallel Algorithms on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," Parallel Processing Letters, volume 9, number 1, pages 43-52, January 1999.
30. Jen-Duo Liu, Ming-Tat Ko and Ruei-Chuan Chang, "A Simple Self-Collision Avoidance for Cloth Animation," Computers & Graphics, volume 22, number 1, pages 117-128, January 1998.
31. De-jen Lu, Yu-Chung Wang, Jan-Ming Ho, Meng-Chang Chen and Ming-Tat Ko, "Experience in Designing a Using TCP as Transport Protocol VOD System over a Dedicated Network," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, volume 44, number 4, pages 1379-1388, 1998.
32. J. W. Hsieh, H. Y. Mark Liao, K. C. Fan, Ming-Tat Ko and Y. P. Hung, "Image Registration Using a New Edge-based Approach," CVGIP: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, volume 67, number 2, pages 112-130, August 1997.
33. Jun-Wei Hsieh, Ming-Tat Ko, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao and Kuo-Chin Fan, "A New Wavelet-Based Edge Detection Via Constrained Optimization," Image and Vision Computing, volume 15, number 7, pages 511-527, July 1997.
34. Jen-Duo Liu, Ming-Tat Ko and Ruei-Chuan Chang, "The Collision Avoidance of Cloth Animation," The Visual Computer, volume 12, number 5, pages 234-243, January 1996.
35. M. H. Lee, C. H. Chang, M. C. Chen, J. M. Ho, M. T. Ko, Y. J. Oyang, K. H. Tsai and S. Y. Wang, "Design and Implementation of a Predictable High-Throughput Video Conference Recorder," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, volume 42, number 1, pages 63-70, 1996, A preliminary version also appears in Proceedings 1995 International Workshop on HDTV and the Evolution of Television.
36. Jun-Wei Hsieh, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko and Kuo-Chin Fan, "Wavelet-Based Shape from Shading," Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: Graphical Models and Image Processing, volume 57, number 4, pages 343-362, July 1995.
37. Bor-Lian Chen, Hung-Lin Fu and M. T. Ko, "Total Chromatic Number and Chromatic Index of Split Graphs," Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, volume 17, pages 137-146, January 1995.
38. W. B. Liu, M. T. Ko and R. C. Chang, "Interactive Approach to Planning Snake Motion," Computers & Graphics, volume 18, number 4, pages 537-542, January 1994.
39. W. B. Liu, M. T. Ko and R. C. Chang, "Sequential-Goal Constraints for Computer Graphics," Visualization and Computer Animation, volume 4, number 3, pages 153-164, January 1993.
40. M. T. Ko and Y. T. Ching, "Linear Time Algorithms for the Weighted Tailored 2-Partition Problem and Weighted 2-Center Problem Under -Distance," Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 40, pages 397-410, January 1992.
41. M. T. Ko, R. C. T. Lee and J. S. Chang, "Rectilinear m-Center Problem," Naval Research Logistics, volume 37, pages 419-427, January 1990.
42. M. T. Ko, R. C. T. Lee and J. S. Chang, "An Optimal Approximation Algorithm for the Rectilinear m-Center Problem," Algorithmica, volume 5, pages 341-352, January 1990.
Conference Papers
1. Yi-Lu Guo, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, "The Longest Path Problem on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," International Computer Symposium ICS 2012 Held at Hualien, Taiwan, December 12–14, 2012, volume 20, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pages 69-77, December 2012.
2. Ming-Tat Ko, Renyuan Lyu, Yuang-chin Chiang, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, "Development of a Taiwanese Speech and Text Corpus," Oriental COCOSDA, Macau, China, December 2012.
3. Chia-Hao Chin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chun-Yu Chen, Chao A. Hsiung, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Chung-Yan Lin, "Spotlight: Assembly of Protein Complexes by Integrating Graph Clustering Methods," International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, July 2012.
4. Dau-Cheng Lyu, Ren-Yuan Lyu and Ming-Tat Ko, "Acoustic Modeling Using An Extended Phone Set Considering Cross-Lingual Pronunciation Variations," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Cancun, Mexico, 2009.
5. Maw-Shang Chang, Ming-Tat Ko, "On 3-Steiner Root Problem," Workshop on Graph Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, June 2007.
6. Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ming-Tat Ko and Jen-Kang Hwang, "A web-based tool for protein thermostability," Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference,, Stanford University, California, USA, August 2006.
7. Maw-Shang Chang and Ming-Tat Ko and Hsueh-I Lu, "Linear Time Algorithms for Tree Root Problems," Proceedings of 10th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4059, Spring Verlag, pages 409-420, 2006.
8. Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Jen-Kang Hwang and Ming-Tat Ko, "The amino acid-coupling patterns in thermophilic proteins," Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, pages p92, Fairmont Orchid Big island of Hawaii, Hawaii USA, January 2005.
9. Y. L. Chen, Hung-Pin Kao, and Ming-Tat Ko, "Mining DAG patterns from DAG databases," Web-Age Information Management: 5th International Conference(WAIM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3129, volume 3129, pages 579-588, Dalian, China, January 2004, 國外
10. Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Jen-Kang Hwang and Ming-Tat Ko, "The Amino Acid-Coupling Sequence Patterns for Thermophilic and Mesophilic Proteomes," International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks, Hong Kong, January 2004, 國外
11. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, "Efficient Algorithms for the Hamiltonian Problem on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," proceedings of International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics(COCOON), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2387, pages 77-86, Singapore, August 2002.
12. L.C. Wu, H.D. Huang, H.K. Liang, S.L. Huang, M.T. Ko, J.T. Horng, "A probabilistic Method to Correlate Ion-pairs to Protein Thermostability," Proc. of the 2002 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Science, CSREA Press, pages 351-357, Las Vegas, Nevada,USA., 2002.
13. Ming-Shing Su, Ming-Tat Ko, Kuo-Young Cheng and Chun-Yen Chen, "Design of an MPEG4-Based Text-Driven 3D Facial Animation System," International Computer Symposium, December 2000.
14. Ming-Shing Su, Ming-Tat Ko, and Kuo-Young Cheng, "Control of Feature­­Point-Driven Facial Animation Using a Hypothetical Face(preliminary version)," Proceedings of Pacific Graphics, pages 359-368, Hong-Kong, October 2000.
15. Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Jan-Ming Ho, "Bandwidth-Buffer Tradeoff for Delivery of Pre-Recorded Videos over Multiple Smoothing-Servers(preliminary version)," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS’99), June 1999.
16. Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Jan-Ming Ho, "An effective and efficient traffic-smoothing scheme for delivery of online VBR media streams," Annual Joint Conference IEEE Computer & Communication Society, INFOCOM, pages 447-454, March 1999.
17. Jou-Ming Chang, Chin-Wen Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "LexBFS-ordering in Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs," ISAAC, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1741, pages 163-172, January 1999.
18. Chin-Fu Ku, Hung-Yu Ko, Jeng-Wei Lin, Yu-Chun Pan, Jan-Ming Ho, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko, and James S. J. Chen, "Transporting H.320 video conference traffic to the Internet," SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng, December 1998.
19. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "Characterization of Efficiently Computable Problems on Distance-Hereditary Graphs," 9th International Symposium of Algorithms and Computation(ISAAC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1533, pages 257-266, Taejon, Korea, December 1998.
20. Tsao, Shiao-Li, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Data Striping Scheme of VBR Video on Zoned Disk Array," SPIE Multimedia Storage and Achiving Systems III, Boston, November 1998.
21. S. L. Peng, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Chuan-Yi Tang, "A Linear-time Algorithm for Constructing an Optimal Node-Search Strategy of a Tree," Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1449, pages 279-288, Taipei, Taiwan, August 1998.
22. Lin, S.-H., C.-S. Shih, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, and Y.-M. Huang, "ACIRD: An intelligent Internet information system based on data mining," In SIGMOD-DMKD98 Workshop, Seattle, USA, June 1998.
23. Iap, Sin-Yuan, Hung-Yu Kao, Chin-Fu Ku, Yau-Tsung Lee, Shian-Hua Lin, Yu-Chung Pan, Chi-Sheng Shih, Chia-Hui Wang, Yu-Chung Wang, Meng-Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, and Ming-Tat Ko, "ASIS MDL: A prototype electronic content service," In IEEE Workshop on Dependable and Real-Time E-Commerce Systems (DARE'98), Denver, USA, June 1998.
24. Ray-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Characterize the Minimum Required Resources for Admission Control of Pre-Recorded VBR Video Transmission by an O(nlogn) Algorithm," ICCCN, pages 674-681, January 1998.
25. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "A Simple Parallel Tree Contraction Scheme and Its Applications on Distance-Hereditary Graphs(preliminary version)," Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR’98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1457, pages 298-309, Berkeley, California, USA, January 1998.
26. Shian-Hua Lin, Chi-Sheng Shih, Meng Chang Chen, Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Yueh-Ming Huang, "Extracting Classification Knowledge of Internet Document: A Semantics Approach," SIGIR, January 1998.
27. Li-Fen Chen, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko, Ja-Chen Lin and Gwo-Jong Yu, "A New LDA-based Face Recognition System Which Can Solve the Small Sample Size Problem(preliminary version)," Proceedings of CVPRIP, January 1998.
28. Yu-Chung Wang, Shiao-Li Tsao, Ray-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "A Fast Data Placement Scheme for Video Server with Zoned-Disks," SPIE Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems II, Dallas, November 1997.
29. Ray-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "On the Optimizations of Stored VBR Video Transmission on a Rate Bounded Channel," SPIE Performance and Control of Network Systems, Dallas, November 1997.
30. Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Dynamic Load Adjustment on Distributed Video Server System," SPIE Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems II, Dallas, November 1997.
31. S. L. Peng, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Chuan-Yi Tang, "Node and Edge Searching Problems on Trees(preliminary version)," Annual Int'l Computing and Combinatorics Conf, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1276, pages 284-293, Shanghai, China, August 1997.
32. Yu-Chung Wang, Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "File Layout Design of VBR Video on Zoned-Disks," Second International Workshop on Real-Time Database, Burlington, VT, January 1997.
33. Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Ming-Tat Ko and Gen-Huey Chen, "Efficient Parallel Algorithms on Distance-Hereditary Graphs(preliminary version)," International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP97), pages 20-23, January 1997.
34. M. H. Lee, M. C. Chen, J. M. Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Disk Layout of Near Video-on-Demand System," Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1997.
35. Yu-Chung Wang, Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "ASIS VOD System: Zoned-Disk Storage Server," Third Workshop on Real-Time And Media Systems, pages 359-366, 1997.
36. J. H. Fan, H. R. Tyan, D. J. Lu, J. M. Ho, M. C. Chen and M. T. Ko, "Implementation of WWW-based Video-on-Demand Client," Third Workshop on Real-Time And Media Systems, pages 277-286, 1997.
37. Jun-Wei Hsieh, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Kuo-Chin Fan, and Ming-Tat Ko, "A Fast Algorithm for Image Registration without Predetermining Correspondences," International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vienna, Austria, August 1996.
38. S. G. Iap, J. M. Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and M. C. Chen, "Web Site Management: An Application on Taiwan Study over the Internet," Distributed System Technology, May 1996.
39. Mei-Wen Li, Chin-Fu Ku, Yu-Chun Pan, Chia-Hui Wang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Real-time Distributed Clock Synchronization over Ethernet," RAMS, pages 19-26, January 1996.
40. Meng-Huang Lee, Meng-Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, and Yen-Jen Oyang, "Designing a Read/Write Multimedia On Demand File Server," Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, January 1996.
41. Chih-Yuan Cheng, Chang-Hsiang Liu, Chuan-Li Wang, Yen-Jen Oyang, Jan-Ming Ho, Meng Chang Chen and Ming-Tat Ko, "Design of an MPEG-2 Video-on-Demand Server," RAMS, pages 327-334, January 1996.
42. Sheng-Lung Peng, Ming-Tat Ko, Chin-Wen Ho, Tsan-sheng Hsu and Chuan-Yi Tang, "Graph Searching on Subclasses of Chordal Graphs(preliminary version)," Int'l Symp on Algorithms and Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1178, pages 156-165, Osaka, Japan, January 1996.
43. Der-Jen Lu, Yu-Chong Wang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Meng Chang Chen, "Experiences on Developing PC-Based VOD Servers," RAMS, pages 351-356, January 1996.
44. Kuo-Hui Tsai, D. W. Wang, Ming-Tat Ko and C. H. Chang, "Point Location Problem and its Application to Synchronous Ethernet," the 14th IASTED Conference of Applied Informatics, pages 19-22, January 1996.
45. Richard Chiang, Yen-Jen Oyang, Yu-Chong Wang, Der-Jen Lu, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, "Support for Interactive Operations of a Video-on-Demand System," RAMS, pages 341-349, January 1996.
46. Jun-Wei Hsieh, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Kuo-Chin Fan, Ming-Tat Ko and Yi-Ping Hong, "A New Edge-Based Approach for Image Registration," Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Singapore, December 1995.
47. Meng-Huang Lee, Chia-Hsiang Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Yen-Jen OYang and Kuo-Hui Tsai, "A Predictable High-Throughput File System for Video Conferencing," IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernatics, Vancouver, Canada, October 1995.
48. Meng-Huang Lee, Chia-Hsiang Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Yen-Jen OYang and Kuo-Hui Tsai, "Continuous Media Recording for Video Conferencing," IEEE International Conference on Networks and International Conference on Information Engineering, Singapore, July 1995.
49. Bor-Liang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Ko-Wei Lih, "Equitable and m-Bounded Coloring of Split Graphs," 8th Franco-Japanese and 4th Franco-Chinese Conference: Combinatorics and Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1120, pages 1-5, July 1995.
50. Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Shie-Yuan Wang, "A SCSI Disk Model for Video Playback(preliminary version)," Proceedings of the First Workshop on Real-Time and Media Systems, pages 215-222., Taipei, Taiwan, July 1995
51. C. H. Chang, M. C. Chen, J. M. Ho, M. T. Ko, K. H. Tsai, C. F. Wang and D. W. Wang, "ASIS - Academia Sinica Multimedia Interactive System," the First Workshop on Real-Time and Media Systems, pages 151-158, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1995.
52. Chia-Hsiang Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, Kuo-Hui Tsai and Da-Wei Wang, "Worst-Case Delay of Nonpreemptive Schedulings," the First Workshop on Real-Time and Media Systems, pages 411-417, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1995.
53. Jun-Wei Hsieh, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko and Kuo-Chin Fan, "Wavelet-Based Shape from Shading(preliminary version )," International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, U. S. A., January 1994.
54. Jan-Ming Ho, M. T. Ko and Ren-Sung Tsay, "A Clock Driver Assignment Algorithm," VLSI CAD 1992, pages 214-227, Sun-Moon Lake, Taiwan, January 1992.
55. Bor-Lian Chen, Hung-Lin Fu and M. T. Ko, "Total Chromatic Number and Chromatic Index of Split Graphs(preliminary version)," 13-th British Combinatorial Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, The United Kingdom, July 1991.
56. Bor-Liang Chen and M. T. Ko, "Total Coloring and Edge Coloring on Chordal Graphs," Combinatorics and Computing, Third Chinese-French Conference, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 1991.
57. M. T. Ko, R. C. T. Lee and J. S. Chang, "Rectilinear m-Center Problem(preliminary version )," Proceedings of National Computer Symposium, pages 325-329, January 1990.
58. M. T. Ko and Y. T. Ching, "Linear Time Algorithms for the Weighted Tailored 2-Partition Problem and Weighted 2-Center Problem Under -Distance(preliminary version )," Proceedings of International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Complexity, pages 75-82, Fukuoka, Japan, January 1989.
59. M. T. Ko and R. C. T. Lee, "On Weighted Rectilinear 2-Center and 3-Center Problems," Proceedings of International Computer Symposium(preliminary version ), pages 753-758., Taipei, Taiwan, January 1988.
1. Ray-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko,, chapter "VBR Traffic Shaping for Streaming of Multimedia Transmission," Multimedia Networking: Technology, Management and Applications, Mahbubur Rahman Syed, editor, pages 222-236, Idea-Group Publication, January 2001.