
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所






Distinguished Lecture Series: And Logic Begat Computer Science: When Giants Roamed the Earth

  • 講者Moshe Vardi 教授 (Director, Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology Institute, Rice University)
  • 時間2011-03-08 (Tue.) 10:00 ~ 12:00
  • 地點本所新館106演講廳


During the past fifty years there has been extensive, continuous, and growing 
interaction between logic and computer science. In fact, logic has been called 
"the calculus of computer science". The argument is that logic plays a fundamental role in computer science, similar to that played by calculus in the 
physical sciences and traditional engineering disciplines.  Indeed, logic plays 
an important role in areas of computer science as disparate as architecture 
(logic gates), software engineering (specification and verification), programming languages (semantics, logic programming), databases (relational algebra and SQL), artificial intelligence (automated theorem proving), algorithms 
(complexity and expressiveness), and theory of computation (general notions 
of computability). This non-technical talk will provide an overview of the unusual effectiveness of logic in computer science by surveying the history of 
logic in computer science, going back all the way to Aristotle and Euclid, and 
showing how logic actually gave rise to computer science.