
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所






Acoustic Sensing for Mobile Devices

  • 講者陳奕超 教授 (上海交通大學計算機科學與工程系)
  • 時間2023-06-30 (Fri.) 14:00 ~ 16:00
  • 地點資訊所新館106演講廳
The sensing capabilities in mobile and IoT devices form fundamental building blocks for applications. The broader the spectrum of our sensing capabilities, the more applications we can facilitate.
However, there is a tangible limitation imposed by the perceived power the device can provide. With over 5 million apps in circulation across Android and iOS devices, it may seem that most applications merely recycle these same building blocks and offer similar functionalities.
The question then arises - can we expand our perception with fewer sensors? In this talk, I will demonstrate that, with the use of commercially available speakers and microphones, we can not only sense environments but also manipulate other sensors. This, in turn, boosts the capabilities of mobile devices without necessitating the addition of any extra hardware. The aim is to explore and exploit untapped potential, transcending conventional limits and enabling a new era of sensor utilization and application innovation.
Yi-Chao Chen serves as a tenure-track Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2018. He completed his B.S. and M.S. degrees at National Taiwan University and later received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin in 2015. Prior to joining SJTU, Dr. Chen spent time as a Researcher in Huawei's Future Network Theory Lab in Hong Kong and co-founded a company in Austin, USA, which specializes in pioneering technologies for human-computer interaction. His research focuses on networked systems and spans the areas of mobile computing, wireless networking, and cyber-security.