The Computational Lens in Science: an Example in Neuroscience
- 講者周紀寧 博士 (Center of Computational Neuroscience at Flatiron Institute)
邀請人:鐘楷閔 - 時間2024-01-12 (Fri.) 13:30 ~ 14:30
- 地點資訊所新館 101 演講廳, Auditorium 101 at IIS new Building
Two transformative waves of computing have redefined the way we approach science. The first wave came with the birth of the digital computer, which enabled scientists to numerically simulate their models and analyze massive datasets. This technological breakthrough led to the emergence of many sub-disciplines bearing the prefix “computational” in their names. Currently, we are in the midst of the second wave, marked by the remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence. From predicting protein structures to classifying galaxies, the scope of its applications is vast, and there can only be more awaiting us on the horizon.While these two waves influence scientific methodology at the instrumental level, in this talk, I will discuss the computational lens in science, aiming at the conceptual level. Specifically, the central thesis posits that computation serves as a convenient and mechanistic language for understanding and analyzing information processing systems, offering the advantages of composability and modularity.As a concrete example, I will present a recent new methodology (with its root in statistical physics) in the study of neuroscience. No background in biology and physics is needed. I will also end the talk with several future research directions, for both neuroscientists and computer scientists.