TIGP (SNHCC) --SportsXR: Bridging Human and Machine Intelligence through Immersive Visualizations for Sports
- 講者林滿新 博士 (哈佛大學)
邀請人:TIGP (SNHCC) - 時間2024-09-16 (Mon.) 09:00 ~ 11:00
- 地點Webex 線上會議:請見摘要頁
Digital technologies have become integral to our daily lives, providing data on demand to assist with various tasks. However, the effective use of this digital information is often limited by our cognitive bandwidth and the constraints of physical environments. Despite the potential of machine intelligence to enhance our lives, a gap remains in enabling people to access and interpret data effectively in real-world settings. My work addresses this challenge by designing contextual data visualizations using XR technologies in the sports domain.
Sports analytics is crucial for performance evaluation and enhancing fan experiences, yet traditional methods, which often rely on data experts, can disconnect insights from real-world sports applications. In this talk, I will present groundbreaking research on immersive visualizations specifically designed for sports analytics, including tasks related to training, coaching, and in-game data analysis. By leveraging advanced AR/VR technologies like HoloLens and Meta Quest, these visualizations offer a dynamic, spatial perspective on sports data, making it more interactive and engaging.
Through research collaborations with basketball and badminton experts, I will demonstrate how these immersive visualizations enhance user experience and data comprehension. This talk will explore how immersive visualization research transforms sports and data analytics in the physical world, providing insights into innovative HCI and visualization research.